A dictionary to describe DSSG's fellows and how awesome they are. Each fellow interviews the others as an (extremely nerdy) ice-breaker. May lead to visualizations and analyses.
Steps to play along:
1) Create a file which contains your dictionary.
Suggested format for the dictionary is
(see example.json
"name1" : "answer",
"name2" : "answer2"
"name1" : {
"question_tag1": "answer1-1",
"question_tag2": "answer1-2"
"name2" : {
"question_tag1": "answer2-1",
"question_tag2": "answer2-2"
2) Document your name and question in this README.md
Read from a JSON file
import json
f = open('example.json')
# Read input file to JSON. Python might explode if your JSON is poorly formatted!
d = json.load(f)
# d ->
# {u'Adam Fishman': u'',
# ...
# u'Zahra Ashktorab': u''}
import json
# Create Python dictionary
d = { "key":"value" }
# Optional: you want to sort the output alphabetically by dictionary key?
import collections
d = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(d.items()))
# Convert dictionary to JSON
my_json = json.dumps(d)
# Write JSON to file
new_file = open('new.json', 'w')
- Nathan Leiby - What is your favorite character from a book, play, movie, etc?
- Jette Henderson - 1. What is your spirit animal? 2. Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction?
- Emily Rowe - Where do you fall in your family's birth order (position)? How many children are in your family? Example: Someone whose position is 2 and number of children is 3 is the second of three children.
- Adam Fishman - What is your favorite question?
- Joe Walsh - If you could do any experiment, what experiment would you do?
- Breanna Miller - What is your favorite pasta shape?
- Kwang-Sung Jun - For laptop keyboard, there are weird layouts for insert, delete, home, end, page up, and page down keys. Which one do you prefer? Choices are do-not-care, six-pack, in-a-row, fn-key-with-arrow. null value was used to denote "did not ask".
- Elena Eneva - 1. What's your favorite lie? 2. Extra time taken to answer the question? 1=yes, 0=no
- Chris Brown - What does Google know about your email address?
- ...