
Repo for ML for Public Policy Lab course at CMU

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94889: Machine Learning for Public Policy Lab

Previous Versions: Fall 2022 | Fall 2021 | Fall 2020 | Spring 2020

Fall 2023: Tues & Thurs, 5:00-6:20pm (HBH 2008), Lab Section: Wednesday 6:30pm-8:10pm (HBH 1006)


  • All content will be on github in this repo including schedule and tech setup instructions
  • All assignments will be on and submitted through canvas
  • Class communication and announcements will be primarily through Slack

Wednesday Sessions

The first few weeks will be hands-on tech sessions in HBH 1006 and for the remainder of the semester, we'll use the time on Wednesdays to meet with teams and check in about their progress on the project. We'll post the timing and location for each project team here when it becomes available.

Course Description

This is a project-based course designed to provide training and experience in solving real-world problems using machine learning, with a focus on problems from public policy and social good.

Through lectures, discussions, readings, and project assignments, students will learn about and experience building end-to-end machine learning systems, starting from project definition and scoping, to modeling, to field validation and turning their analysis into action. Through the course, students will develop skills in problem formulation, working with messy data, communicating about machine learning with non-technical stakeholders, model interpretability, understanding and mitigating algorithmic bias & disparities, evaluating the impact of deployed models, and understanding the ethical implications of design choices made throughout the pipeline.

Pre-Requisites: Students will be expected to know Python (for data analysis and machine learning),SQL, and have prior graduate coursework in machine learning. This course assumes that you have taken graduate Machine Learning courses before and is focused on teaching how to use ML to solve real-world problems. Experience with *nix command line, git(hub), and working on remote machines will be helpful and is highly recommended.




Rayid Ghani

GHC 8023
Office Hours:
Tue 2-3, Thu 1-2 (GHC8023)

Teaching Assistant

Catalina Vajiac

Office Hours: Monday 2-3pm, Thursday 2-3pm
GHCF 8018


Throughout the semester, students will work together in small groups on an applied machine learning project that will illustrate the concepts discussed in class and readings.

Graded components will include:

  • Written scope and proposal for their project work (10%)

  • Peer reviews of three peer project proposals (5%)

  • Midterm project update presentation (10%)

  • Brief project progress update assignments (20%)

  • Final group presentation of results targeted toward policy stakeholders (10%)

  • Written final project report and code (20%)

  • Quizzes on readings and lecture videos (5%)

  • Class attendance and participation (15%)

  • Submitting weekly check-in and feedback forms (5%)

The data used for the course projects should be considered sensitive and private and must remain in the secure computing environment provided for the course. Any attempt to download any portion of the project data to a machine outside this environment will result in automatic failure of the class. Note that you may use tools like SQL clients, jupyter notebooks, etc. to interact with the data on the remote servers, but may not save the dataset (or a portion of it) to disk on a local machine.


See the syllabus for much more detail as well, including links to required readings as well as information about group projects, grading, and helpful optional readings.

Week Dates Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Assignments Project Focus
1 Tu: Aug 29
Th: Aug 31
Intro/Overview + Project Overviews Basic Tech Setup: Make sure students can connect to the server through ssh, have access to github, and access the db both from psql and from dbeaver Th: Scoping, Problem Definition, Balancing goals (equity, efficiency, effectiveness) 1. Survey (Monday)
2. Project preferences + signature (Wednesday)
Get familiar with the class, goals, and understand project choices
2 Tu: Sep 5
Th: Sep 7
Case Studies + Discussion Remote Tech Workflows Acquiring Data, Privacy, Record Linkage Data Audit and Exploration
3 Tu: Sep 12
Th: Sep 14
Data Exploration

+ 30 min project team meeting/coordination
Git + GitHub Project Work Data Stories and Finalize Project Scope
4 Tu: Sep 19
Th: Sep 21
Analytical Formulation / Baselines Triage Configuration Tech Session Building ML Pipelines Project Proposal (Tuesday) Initial ML Pipeline Setup
Analytical Formulation and Baselines
5 Tu: Sep 26
Th: Sep 28
Performance Metrics / Evaluation Part 1: Choosing Metrics Python + SQL Project Work Proposal Reviews (Wednesday) Iteration 1 - Build End to End Code Pipeline
(Focus on end-to-end shell)
6 Tu: Oct 3
Th: Oct 5
Performance Metrics / Evaluation Part 2: Model Selection and Validation Group Check-Ins Temporal Deep Dive with projects Analytic Formulation, Baselines, and Cohort/Label Queries (Friday)
7 Tu: Oct 10
Th: Oct 12
Feature Engineering / Imputation Group Check-Ins Project Work Iteration 2 - End to End Code Pipeline
(Focus on feature development)
Tu: Oct 17
Th: Oct 19
8 Tu: Oct 24
Th: Oct 26
Features and Triage Group Check-Ins triage office hours and Q&A Modeling Plan and Temporal Validation Configuration (Monday)
9 Tu: Oct 31
Th: Nov 2
ML Modeling in Practice Group Check-Ins Project Work V0 Baseline Results and (Planned) Feature List (Monday) Iteration 3 - End to End Code Pipeline
(Focus on models and evaluation)
10 Tu: Nov 7
Th: Nov 9
Performance Metrics / Evaluation Pt. 3 (audition) Group Check-Ins Project Work V0 Modeling Results (Monday)
11 Tu: Nov 14
Th:Nov 16
Model Interpretability Group Check-Ins Ethics Workshop Weekly Update Assignment (Monday) - More complete results over time Iteration 4 - End to End Code Pipeline
(Focus on interpreting the models)
12 Tu: Nov 21
Th: Thanksgiving
Bias and Fairness Pt I HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Weekly Update Assignment (Monday) - Feature Importances + Crosstabs
13 Tu: Nov 28
Th: Nov 30
Bias and Fairness Pt II Group Check-Ins Field Trials and Wrap-Up Weekly Update Assignment (Monday) - Bias Final model choice and understanding its performance and impact on disparities
14 Tu: Dec 5
Th: Dec 7
Project Work Final Presentations Presentations Project Report and Presentations
Finals Week Final Report Due Final Report, Code, Repo, Documentation

Textbook & Software

Textbook: The course will rely on selected readings from various sources and has no required textbook – each week, we’ll have selected readings from a variety of sources, listed below.

Software: For project work, we will provide students with access to a shared data and ML infrastructure. Data will be available in a postgreSQL database and SQL and python will be used throughout the course. Students will be expected to store project code in a shared github repository, so you should create an account if you do not already have one (github.com). Additionally, we will be making use of the machine learning pipeline package triage for modeling. More Details to follow.

Phone, Laptop, and Device Policy
Because much of the work in this course involves group discussions and responding thoughtfully to your colleagues’ progress reports, mobile devices are not permitted for use during the class. If you have a disability or other reason that necessitates the use of a mobile device, please speak to one of the instructors or teaching assistants.

Applied ML Project

Beginning in the second week of class, groups of 4 students will work together on a machine learning project throughout the semester with one of several real-world public policy problems. Each week, every group will be expected to provide an update on their current status. In addition to helping connect readings and discussion topics to an applied domain, these updates and discussions will give you a chance to elicit input and feedback from your classmates about challenges you’re facing (and they likely are too!) in your analyses.
Throughout the semester, students will be responsible for several intermediate deliverables as they work on their group projects:

  • An initial project proposal, submitted as a group, including the project scope and preliminary descriptive statistics about the entities in their dataset. The proposal should be 4-5 pages in length, not including figures, tables, or references and should include the provided scoping sheet as an appendix.

  • A technical ML plan, submitted as a group, detailing how the scope described in their proposal can be formulated as a machine learning problem and the elements of the pipeline the group will be building.

  • A description of specific features to be built for the modeling project, submitted as a group and describing the underlying data, level at which information is available, aggregation strategies (e.g., over time or geography), and plan for handling missing values.

  • An in-class project mid-term update presentation (approximately 7 minutes in length plus 3 minutes for questions), describing the problem setting, approach, pipeline, and initial results.

  • Brief weekly update assignments to guide our check-in discussions. These typically take the form of filling results or modeling details into a handful of template slides. These updates will be graded for completeness and correctness, however we expect this work to be iterative and errors identified in one week’s update that are corrected by the next week can result in revision of the previous score up to 80% of the total possible.

At the end of the semester, each group will be responsible for a final presentation (10 minutes in length plus 3 minutes for questions). While the deep dive presentations should be more technical in nature, the final presentation should be geared towards the relevant decision makers for your project, including an overview of the problem and approach, your results, policy recommendations, and limitations of the work.
Accompanying the final presentation is a written report, approximately 15 pages in length, which should include:

  • An executive summary not to exceed 1 page that succinctly describes the project, results, and recommendations.

  • An overview of the problem, its significance, and the scope and goals of the current work.

  • A description of the methodology and results of the analysis. The report should also provide a link to well-documented code in your group’s course github repository.

  • Brief (1-2 paragraph) design of a field trial to evaluate the accuracy of the resulting model in practice as well as its ability to help the organization achieve its goals.

  • Concluding lessons and recommendations for the partner organization.

  • Optionally, you may also wish to include a proposal for future avenues of research beyond the scope of this work, for instance on novel machine learning methods to improve on the current work, new policy interventions to evaluate or explore, or other related research opportunities.

Tentative Schedule

In general, the course will be structured around three sessions each week:

  • During the Tuesday sessions, we’ll focus on structured lectures and discussions of the weekly topic (including a mix of live lectures and discussions of pre-recorded content throughout the semester).

  • During the Wednesday lab/recitation sessions, we’ll discuss technical skills and tools you’ll need for the project work early in the semester and then shift to check-ins with each team to discuss the status of their project work, generally surround short update assignments due on Monday (each team should review the updates of all teams working on the same project and the discussion will involve feedback from your peers and the instructors).

  • Early in the semester, Thursday sessions will also focus on lectures and discussions, but once the projects are underway, most weeks will reserve this time for group meetings and project work (note that attendance on zoom is still mandatory at this time – one piece of feedback we received in the last iteration of the course was that many groups had trouble coordinating regular meeting times, so we wanted to find a way to dedicate some class time to help resolve this challenge).

    Although we’re dedicating some time in class to work with your group, please note that successfully completing the project will require considerable work outside of class time as well and will constitute the majority of the “homework” for the course.

Below is a preliminary schedule of the course, including the readings that will be assigned for that week. Please be sure to have read and be prepared to discuss the readings before the specified class session. Most of these topics can be (and often are) the focus of entire courses and generally we’ll only scratch the surface, but hopefully inspire you to delve deeper into areas that interest you (and you’ll find plenty of open research questions in each). Optional readings are also listed for most sessions which may be of interest to students who wish to delve deeper in a given area as well as provide additional context for your related project work.

  • Week 1 (Aug 29, Aug 31): Introduction and Project Scoping
    On Tuesday, we’ll provide an introduction to the class, its goals, and an overview of the project options to help you decide what you’re interested in working on for the remainder of the semester.

    During the Wednesday session, we’ll help ensure everyone is set up to access the class technical resources.

    On Thursday, we’ll talk about scoping, problem definition, and understanding and balancing organizational goals. Well before the outset of technical work, a decision needs to be made about whether a given policy problem can and should be addressed with machine learning: is the problem significant, feasible to solve with a technical approach, and of sufficient importance to policy makers that they will devote resources to implementing the solution? How will success be measured? How will (often competing) goals of efficiency, effectiveness, and equity be balanced?

    Required Readings for Thursday:

    • Data Science Project Scoping Guide Available Online

    • Using Machine Learning to Assess the Risk of and Prevent Water Main Breaks by Kumar, A, Rizvi, SAA, et al. KDD 2018. Available Online

    Optional Reading:

    • Deconstructing Statistical Questions by Hand, D.J. J. Royal Stat Soc. A 157(3) 1994. Available Online
  • Week 2 (Sep 5,7): Case Studies and Acquiring Data
    This week, we’ll organize groups and begin project work

    Practical examples can provide a great way to gain an understanding of the nuance of applying machine learning to policy problems, so Tuesday will focus on a class discussion of a case study of a recent application, scoping the case together in breakout sessions.

    Required Reading for Tuesday:

    • Fine-grained dengue forecasting using telephone triage services by Rehman, NA, et al. Sci. Adv. 2016. Available Online

    During the Wednesday session, we will lead a workshop on using remote workflow tools for your class project.

    On Thursday, we’ll delve into some of the details of acquiring data, protecting privacy, and linking records across data sources. Acquiring data from a project partner is often an involved process with a number of legal and technical aspects. Researchers need to understand how the data acquired may and may not be used (typically formalized in a data use agreement as well as underlying law) and ensure that the privacy of individuals in the dataset is protected (potentially both through access restrictions and techniques like anonymization). Once data has been acquired, it often needs to be transformed to ingest into the system used for analysis, records from multiple data sources linked, and data structured for further analysis.

    During class on Thursday, we’ll also talk a little bit about working together with your project team.

    Optional Readings:

    • Predictive Modeling for Public Health: Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning by Potash, E, et al. KDD 2015. Available Online

    • What Happens When an Algorithm Cuts Your Health Care by Lecher, C. 2018. (The Verge) Available Online

    • Broken Promises of Privacy by Ohm, P. UCLA Law Review. 2009. Introduction and Section 1. Available Online

    • Data Matching by Christen, P. Springer (2012). Chapter 2: The Data Matching Process Available Online

    • Big Data and Social Science edited by Foster, Ghani, et al. Chapter 4: Databases.

  • Week 3 (Sep 12,14): Data Exploration, Analytical Formulation, and Baselines
    Work on your project during this week should include continuing to develop and refine your scope as you begin to explore the data. You’ll also need to prepare and load some data into a database in order to make use of it in your modeling.

    Tuesday of this week will provide a crash course in exploratory data analysis. Data exploration is fundamental to developing an understanding of the nuances of the data and how the policy problem you initially scoped can be specifically formulated as a machine learning problem. This process involves generating and plotting summary statistics, exploring trends over time and understanding rapid changes in distributions, as well as identifying missing data and outliers. Typically, data exploration should involve considerable input from domain experts as you develop an understanding of how the data relates to the underlying generative process, as well as its idiosyncrasies and limitations.

    We’ll also dedicate about 30 minutes during class on Tuesday for you to meet with your project teams and discuss your project scope.
    During the Wednesday session, we’ll lead a tutorial about using GitHub for your project.

    On Thursday, we’ll discuss analytical formulation of policy projects. Distinct from the initial scoping, a true analytical formulation of your policy problem can only come after you have developed an understanding of the data at hand, which in turn will often result in a greater understanding of the problem itself. Here, you’ll ask how specifically your target variable (if relevant) is defined in the data, what types of information are available as predictors, and what baseline you’ll be measure performance against. Very rarely is the appropriate baseline as simple as "random choice" or the population prevalence. Rather, it should reflect what would be expected to happen otherwise: perhaps a simple decision rule that an expert would come up with or even a pre-existing statistical model that the current effort is seeking to replace.

    Required Readings for Thursday:

    • Dissecting Racial Bias in an Algorithm Used to Manage the Health of Populations by Obermeyer, Z., Powers, B., et al. Science. 2019. Available Online

    • Problem Formulation and Fairness by Passi and Barocas. FAT* 2019. Available Online

    Optional Readings:

    • Always Start with a Stupid Model, No Exceptions by Ameisen, E. Medium. Available Online

    • Create a Common-Sense Baseline First by Ramakrishnan. Medium. Available Online

    • Data Science for Business by Provost and Fawcett. O’Reilly. 2013. Chapter 2: Business Problems and Data Science Available Online

  • Week 4 (Sep 19, 21): Machine Learning Pipeline Overview
    At this point in your project work, you should be developing your initial end-to-end pipeline.

    Due Tuesday, Sep 19: Project proposal with scope and descriptive statistics.

    On Tuesday, we’ll describe the components of typical machine learning pipelines. End-to-end ML Pipelines can quickly become unwieldy with several moving pieces and well-structured, modular code is often critical to detecting and fixing bugs in the process. This session will provide an overview of the pipeline, each underlying element, and some best practices for building them.

    Required Reading for Tuesday:

    • Review the lecture slides before class: Online

    On Wednesday, we will lead tech sessions on using Python and SQL together.

    On Thursday, you’ll have time to work with your group on the initial pipeline.

    Optional Readings:

    • Architecting a Machine Learning Pipeline by Koen, S. (Medium) Available Online

    • Meet Michelangelo: Uber’s Machine Learning Platform by Hermann, J and Del Balso, M. Available Online

  • Week 5 (Sep 26, Sep 28): Choosing Performance Metrics & Evaluating Classifiers, Part I
    Pipeline development should continue in your project, with a focus on producing the simplest possible version of the full system.

    Due Wednesday, Sep 27: Peer reviews of three project proposals.

    In most cases, a vast array of methods — each with a number of tunable hyperparameters — can be brought to bear on your modeling question. How do you decide which models are better than others and how can you be confident this decision will carry forward into the future when the model is deployed? How should you balance considerations of performance and fairness when making these decisions? Are models that are performing similarly well giving similar predictions? What should you do if they are not? In this week, we’ll begin to answer these questions, focusing on the choice of performance metrics.

    Required Readings for Tuesday:

    • Transductive Optimization of Top k Precision by Liu, LP, Dietterich, TG, et al. IJCAI 2016. Available Online

    During the Wednesday session, we’ll talk about using triage, the machine learning pipeline toolkit we will use for the class project.

    Optional Readings:

    • Evaluating and Comparing Classifiers by Stapor, K. CORES 2017. Available Online
  • Week 6 (Oct 3,5): Choosing Performance Metrics & Evaluating Classifiers, Part II
    By this week, your group should have a very simple version of an end-to-end pipeline with preliminary results for a single model specification.

    Due Friday, Oct 6: Skeleton pipeline code/triage configuration file, one-sentence analytical formulation, and baselines.

    This week, we’ll continue our discussion from the previous week, focusing specifically on validation strategies that reflect how you want your model to generalize. In particular, we’ll focus on the common case of modeling contexts with a strong temporal component where predicting into the future is desired, exploring how your choice of training and validation sets can reflect this context.

    Required Readings for Tuesday:

    • Cross-validation strategies for data with temporal, spatial, hierarchical, or phylogenetic structure by Roberts, DR, Bahn, V, et al. Ecography 40:2017. Available Online

    On Wednesday, we’ll start our regular group check-ins to provide feedback on your project progress and on Thursday, we’ll meet together as a class to do a deep dive on temporal validation through a few class project examples.

    Optional Readings:

    • Time Series Nested Cross-Validation by Cochrane, C. Medium. Available Online

    • The Secrets of Machine Learning by Rudin, C. and Carlson, D. arXiv preprint: 1906.01998. 2019. Available Online

    • Big Data and Social Science (2nd edition) edited by Foster, Ghani, et al. Chapter 7: Machine Learning. Available Online

  • Week 7 (Oct 10,12): Feature Engineering and Imputation
    By this week, your group should have a very simple version of an end-to-end pipeline with preliminary results for a single model specification.

    In many real-world contexts, expressing domain expertise through thoughtful feature engineering can dramatically improve model performance by understanding what underlying factors are likely to be predictive and helping the model find these relationships. Likewise, most data sets you’ll encounter in practice are littered with outliers, inconsistencies, and missingness. Handling these data issues in a smart way can be critical to a project’s success.

    Required Reading/Watching for Tuesday:

    On Wednesday, we’ll continue our group check-ins.

    Optional Readings:

    • Missing Data Conundrum by Akinfaderin, W. Medium. Available Online

    • Feature Engineering for Machine Learning by Zhang, A. and Casari, A. O’Reilly. 2018. Chapter 2: Fancy Tricks with Simple Numbers Available Online

    • Missing-data imputation by Gelman, A. Available Online

  • Fall Break (Oct 17,29): No Classes
    No classes the week of October 16 for fall break.

  • Week 8 (Oct 24,26): Feature Engineering in Triage

  • Week 9 (Oct 31, Nov 2): ML Modeling in Practice
    During this week, your pipeline development and refinement should continue with a widening set of model specifications and features to explore.

    Due Monday: Technical modeling plan and detailed feature list

    On Tuesday, we’ll cover some practical tips about building machine learning models for real-world projects: how should you think about what types of models to build? What hyperparameters should you explore and how do you design a hyperparameter grid?

    On Wednesday, we’ll continue our group check-ins and on Thursday, you’ll have time to work with your project group.

    Required Readings:

    • Three Pitfalls to Avoid in Machine Learning by Riley, P. Nature. 527. 2019 (Comment) Available Online

    • Top 10 ways your Machine Learning models may have leakage by Ghani, R. et al. DSSG Blog. Available Online

    Optional Readings:

    • Data Science for Business by Provost and Fawcett. O’Reilly. 2013. Chapter 5: Overfitting and Its Avoidance Available Online

    • Leakage in Data Mining by Kaufman, S., Rosset, S., et al. TKDD. 2011. Available Online

    • Why is Machine Learning Deployment Hard? by Gonfalonieri, A. Medium. Available Online

    • Overview of Different Approaches to Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production by Kervizic, J. KDnuggets. Available Online

  • Week 10 (Nov 7,9): Choosing Performance Metrics & Evaluating Classifiers, Part III
    At this point, your group should be continuing to refine and expand on your preliminary modeling results.

    Due Monday: Weekly project update with updated validation splits, features, and “version 0” baseline results.

    This week, we’ll return to our discussion of model selection, delving into the details of winnowing down a large number of model specifications to one or a handful that perform "best" for some definition of "best". In particular, we’ll focus on the common case of machine learning problems with a strong time series component and the desire to balance performance and stability in model selection.

    On Wednesday, we’ll continue our group check-ins and on Thursday, you’ll time to work with your project group.

  • Week 11 (Nov 14,16): Model Interpretability and Ethics Workshop (Thursday)
    By this week, project work should be beginning to focus more heavily on evaluation, model selection, and interpretation.

    Due Monday, Nov 13: Weekly project update.

    Model interpretability can be thought of at two levels: global (how the model works in aggregate) and local (why an individual prediction came out as it did). This week, we’ll focus on some practical aspects and applications of interpretability at the two levels: understanding how a model is performing globally, what it means to compare this performance across model specifications, how these methods can help researchers debug and improve their models, build trust among stakeholders (including a growing legal movement towards a "right to explanation"), help those acting on model predictions understand when they should override the model with their judgement, and importantly help those actors decide not only on whom to intervene but suggest what sort of intervention to take.

    Required Readings for Tuesday:

    • Intelligible Models for HealthCare: Predicting Pneumonia Risk and Hospital 30-day Readmission by Caruana, R, et al. KDD 2015. Available Online

    • Why Should I Trust You? Explaining the Predictions of any Classifier by Ribeiro, MT, Singh, S, and Guestring, C. KDD 2016. Available Online

    • Explainable machine-learning predictions for the prevention of hypoxaemia during surgery by Lundberg, SM, Nair, B, et al. Nature Biomed. Eng. 2018. Available Online

    On Wednesday, we’ll continue our group check-ins and on Thursday, you’ll have time to work with your project group.

    Optional Readings:

    • Optimized Scoring Systems: Toward Trust in Machine Learning for Healthcare and Criminal Justice by Rudin, C, and Usutn, B. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. 2018. Available Online

    • TBD

    • Interpretable Classification Models for Recidivism Prediction by Zeng, J, Ustun, B, and Rudin, C. J. Royal Stat. Soc. A. 2016. Available Online

    • Model Agnostic Supervised Local Explanations by Plumb, G, Molitor, D, and Talwalkar, AS. NIPS 2018. Available Online

    • A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions by Lundberg, SM and Lee, S. NIPS 2017. Available Online

    • Explainable AI for Trees by Lundberg, SM, Erion, G, et al. arXiv preprint: arxiv/1905.04610. Available Online

  • Week 12 (Nov 21): Bias and Fairness, Part I
    Note: No classes on Wednesday, Nov 23, or Thursday, Nov 24, for Thanksgiving.

    By this week, you should be finalizing your modeling results and beginning to look at bias and disparities in your models.

    Due Monday, Nov 20 Weekly project update.

    Just as important as assessing whether your model is making accurate predictions is determining whether it is doing so in a fair manner. But, what do we mean by fairness? How can you measure it and what can you do to mitigate any disparities you might find? Where in your pipeline can bias be introduced? (spoiler: everywhere). This week will provide a very brief introduction to the expansive field of algorithmic fairness.

    Required Readings for Tuesday:

    • Fairness Definitions Explained by Verma, S and Rubin, J. Available Online

    • A Theory of Justice by Rawls, J. 1971. Chapter 1: Justice as Fairness, pp. 1-19. Available Online

    • Racial Equity in Algorithmic Criminal Justice by Huq, A. Duke Law Journal. 2018. Available Online [Focus on sections: I.B.2, all of section II, III introduction, III.B, and III.D.3]

    Optional Readings:

    • Is Algorithmic Affirmative Action Legal? by Bent, JR. Georgetown Law Journal. 2019. Available Online

    • Does Mitigating ML’s Impact Disparity Require Treatment Disparity? by Lipton, Z, McAuley, J, and Chouldechova, A. NIPS 2018. Available Online

    • Equality of Opportunity by Roemer, JE and Trannoy, A. 2013. Available Online

  • Week 13 (Nov 28, 30): Bias and Fairness, Part II and Field Trials (Thursday)
    During this week, your group should be continuing to investigate any disparities in your model results as well as performing any other necessary post-modeling analyses.

    Due Monday, Nov 27: Weekly project update.

    This week, we’ll continue our discussion of bias and fairness with a very brief survey of practical considerations and open research questions in the rapidly developing field.

    Required Readings for Tuesday:

    • A case study of algorithm-assisted decision making in child maltreatment hotline screening decisions by Chouldechova, A, Putnam-Hornstein, E, et al. PMLR. 2018. Available Online

    • Case study: predictive fairness to reduce misdemeanor recidivism through social service interventions by Rodolfa, K.T., et al. FAT* 2020. Available Online

    On Wednesday, we’ll continue our group check-ins

    On Thursday, we’ll use a little time to wrap up the class and briefly touch on some of the topics we didn’t have time to cover (including field trials, model deployment, and monitoring/maintaining the system over time).

    Optional Readings:

    • Equality of Opportunity in Supervised Learning by Hardt, M. and Price, E. NIPS 2016. Available Online

    • Classification with fairness constraints: A meta-algorithm with provable guarantees by Celis, E, Huang, L, et al. FAT* 2019. Available Online

    • Fairness Through Awareness by Dwork, C, Hardt, M, et al. ITCS 2012. Available Online

    • Fairness Constraints: Mechanisms for Fair Classification Zafar, M, Valera I, et al. PMLR 2017. Available Online

    • Fair Prediction with Disparate Impact: A Study of Bias in Recidivism Prediction Instruments by Chouldechova, A. Big Data. 2017. Available Online

  • Week 14 (Dec 5,7): Wrap-Up and Final Presentations
    On Tuesday, we'll give teams to do final project work and get ready for presentations.

    On Thursday, each group will give a presentation about their applied ML project as described above.

  • Finals Week: Final Report Due
    Incorporating the results of your project work throughout the semester as well as feedback from your final presentation, each group will write a final project report as described above.

More Resources

You may find a number of books useful as general background reading, but these are by no means required texts for the course:

  • Data Science for Business by Provost and Fawcett

  • Big Data and Social Science edited by Foster, Ghani, et al. Available Online

  • Practical Fairness: Achieving Fair and Secure Data Models by Nielsen

  • Fairness and Machine Learning by Barocas, Hardt, and Narayana

  • Weapons of Math Destruction by O’Neil

  • Exploratory Data Analysis by Tukey

Additionally, the Global Communication Center (GCC) can provide assistance with the written or oral communication assignments in this class. The GCC is a free service, open to all students, and located in Hunt Library. You can learn more on the GCC website: cmu.edu/gcc.

Your Responsibilities

Attendance: Because much of this course is focused on discussion with your classmates, attending each session is important to both your ability to learn from the course and to contribute to what others get out of it as well. As such, you’ll be expected to attend every session and your participation will factor into your grade as described above. Should anything come up will require you to miss a class (illness, conferences, etc), please let one of the course staff know in advance.

Academic Integrity: Violations of class and university academic integrity policies will not be tolerated. Any instances of copying, cheating, plagiarism, or other academic integrity violations will be reported to your advisor and the dean of students in addition to resulting in an immediate failure of the course.

Data Security: As noted above, the data used for the project work in this course should be considered sensitive and care must be taken to protect the privacy of those in the dataset. The data must remain on the computing environment provided for the class and attempts to download it to any other machine will result in failure of the course.

Additionally, care must be taken to avoid accidentally committing any raw data, queries containing identifiable information, or secrets (key files, database passwords, etc) to github. Should this occur, or should you have any reason to believe your personal computer or private key has been compromised, you must immediately notify the course staff of the issue.


Students with Disabilities: We value inclusion and will work to ensure that all students have the resources they need to fully participate in our course. Please use the Office of Disability Resource’s online system to notify us of any necessary accommodations as early in the semester as possible. If you suspect that you have a disability but are not yet registered with the Office of Disability Resources, you can contact them at access@andrew.cmu.edu

Health and Wellness: As a student, you may experience a range of challenges that can interfere with learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, substance use, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may diminish your academic performance and/or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. CMU services are available, and treatment does work.

All of us benefit from support during times of struggle. There are many helpful resources available on campus and an important part of the college experience is learning how to ask for help. Asking for support sooner rather than later is almost always helpful.

If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, we strongly encourage you to seek support. Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) is here to help: call 412-268-2922 and visit their website at cmu.edu/counseling/. Consider reaching out to a friend, faculty or family member you trust for help getting connected to the support that can help.

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or in danger of self-harm, call someone immediately, day or night:

CaPS: 412-268-2922
Re:solve Crisis Network: 888-796-8226
If the situation is life threatening, call the police
On campus: CMU Police: 412-268-2323
Off campus: 911

Discrimination and Harassment: Everyone has a right to feel safe and respected on campus. If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual harassment, assault, or discrimination, resources are available to help. You can make a report by contacting the University’s Office of Title IX Initiatives by email (tix@andrew.cmu.edu) or phone (412-268-7125).

Confidential reporting services are available through the Counseling and Psychological Services and University Health Center, as well as the Ethics Reporting Hotline at 877-700-7050 or www.reportit.net (user name: tartans; password: plaid).

You can learn more about these options, policies, and resources by visiting the University’s Title IX Office webpage at https://www.cmu.edu/title-ix/index.html

In case of an emergency, contact University Police 412-268-2323 on campus or call 911 off campus.

Student Academic Success Center (SASC) SASC focuses on creating spaces for students to engage in their coursework and approach learning through a variety of group and individual tutoring options. They offer many opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of who they are as learners, communicators, and scholars. Their workshops are free to the CMU community and meet the needs of all disciplines and levels of study. SASC programs to support student learning include the following (program titles link to webpages):

  • Academic Coaching – This program provides holistic, one-on-one peer support and group workshops to help undergraduate and graduate students implement habits for success. Academic Coaching assists students with time management, productive learning and study habits, organization, stress management, and other skills. Request an initial consultation here.

  • Peer Tutoring – Peer Tutoring is offered in two formats for students seeking support related to their coursework. Drop-In tutoring targets our highest demand courses through regularly scheduled open tutoring sessions during the fall and spring semesters. Tutoring by appointment consists of ongoing individualized and small group sessions.You can utilize tutoring to discuss course related content, clarify and ask questions, and work through practice problems. Visit the webpage to see courses currently being supported by Peer Tutoring.

  • Communication Support – Communication Support offers free one-on-one communication consulting as well as group workshops to support strong written, oral, and visual communication in texts including IMRaD and thesis-driven essays, data-driven reports, oral presentations, posters and visual design, advanced research, application materials, grant proposals, business and public policy documents, data visualisation, and team projects. Appointments are available to undergraduate and graduate students from any discipline at CMU. Schedule an appointment on their website (in-person, zoom synchronous, or recorded video), attend a workshop, or consult handouts or videos to strengthen communication skills.

  • Language and Cross-Cultural Support – This program supports students seeking help with language and cross-cultural skills for academic and professional success through individual and group sessions. Students can get assistance with writing academic emails, learning expectations and strategies for clear academic writing, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and more. Make an appointment with a Language Development Specialist to get individualized coaching.

  • Supplemental Instruction (SI) – This program offers a non-remedial approach to learning in historically difficult courses at CMU. It utilizes a peer-led collaborative group study approach to help students succeed and is facilitated by an SI leader, a CMU student who has successfully completed the course. SI offers a way to connect with other students studying the same course, a guaranteed weekly study time that reinforces learning and retention of information, as well as a place to learn and integrate study tools and exam techniques specific to a course. Visit the website to see courses with SI available here.