
A colorscheme for night dwellers, based on https://gitlab.com/snakedye/chocolate

MIT LicenseMIT

A colorscheme for night dwellers


noun • /aɫfɐˈʀobɐ/ • botany

Portuguese word for the edible fruit (pod) of the carob tree. Has a sweet taste and high nutritional value, has a long and cylindrical shape, and turns brown with violet tones as it matures. Mainly cultivated in the Mediterranean Basin and sometimes used as a substitute for chocolate.

Design Philosophy

Alfarroba is based on @snakedye's Chocolate theme, and extended with more gray variants.

The primary goals of Alfarroba are to:

  • provide a comforting reading and editing experience
  • remain relatively eye catching


Label Hex RGB HSL
Red #c65f5f rgb(198, 95, 95) hsl(0, 52%, 58%)
Orange #d08b65 rgb(208, 139, 101) hsl(21, 52%, 61%)
Beige #ab9382 rgb(171, 147, 130) hsl(20, 24%, 59%)
Yellow #d9b27c rgb(217, 178, 124) hsl(35, 56%, 67%)
Green #859e82 rgb(133, 158, 130) hsl(120, 17%, 56%)
Aqua #829e9b rgb(130, 158, 155) hsl(174, 17%, 57%)
Blue #728797 rgb(114, 135, 151) hsl(207, 21%, 52%)
Purple #998396 rgb(153, 131, 150) hsl(273, 13%, 55%)
Text #c8baa4 rgb(200, 186, 164) hsl(36, 22%, 72%)
Subtext0 #d1c6b4 rgb(209, 198, 180) hsl(36, 23%, 76%)
Subtext1 #cdc0ad rgb(205, 192, 173) hsl(36, 22%, 74%)
Subtext2 #beae94 rgb(190, 174, 148) hsl(36, 22%, 66%)
Overlay0 #b0acaa rgb(176, 172, 170) hsl(9, 2%, 68%)
Overlay1 #979290 rgb(151, 146, 144) hsl(9, 2%, 58%)
Overlay2 #7e7876 rgb(126, 120, 118) hsl(9, 3%, 48%)
Overlay3 #645f5d rgb(100, 95, 93) hsl(9, 5%, 38%)
Overlay4 #534e4c rgb(83, 78, 76) hsl(9, 5%, 31%)
Surface0 #413c3a rgb(65, 60, 58) hsl(5, 6%, 24%)
Surface1 #3d3837 rgb(61, 56, 55) hsl(5, 6%, 23%)
Surface2 #302c2b rgb(48, 44, 43) hsl(5, 7%, 18%)
Base #252221 rgb(37, 34, 33) hsl(5, 6%, 14%)
Mantle #141110 rgb(20, 17, 16) hsl(13, 11%, 7%)
Crust #080504 rgb(8, 5, 4) hsl(22, 33%, 2%)


If you would like to port Alfarroba to currently unsupported programs, feel free to create a PR submitting your contribution.


Alfarroba has currently been ported to the following programs: