
A fast, generic, contiguous growable array type written in pure C.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

vec_t, a generic array type for C

A generic, contiguous growable array type written in pure C, designed to be as fast and safe as possible.

Basically, it looks like this:

     len     capacity  elem_size    data
 |    2    |    3     |    4    | 0x06577 |
   |  42  |  69  |      |


To install the library on your computer, please use the provided Makefile:

sudo make install

When using the library in your own programs, you will only need to include the vec.h file and compile with the -lvec option.


#include "vec.h"

int main() {
    vec_t* v = vec_with_capacity(3, sizeof(int));
    vec_t* w = vec_new(sizeof(int));
    int a = 0, b;

    vec_push(v, 1);
    vec_push(v, 2);
    vec_insert(v, &a, 0);
    vec_pop(v, &b);

    vec_copy(v, w);
    vec_append(v, w);
    vec_split_at(v, w, 4);

    return 0;

You can also have a look at the code in test/test.c and run it with the provided Makefile command:

make test


The vec_t type allows to access values by index.

One must be careful when mutating the vector like this, as indexing outside of the allocated memory is undefined behavior (UB). Always cast the underlying data to the type you have declared it with. The library provides the "safer" VEC_MUT() macro for this operation.

// Set the value of the first element to 42
((int*)v->data)[0] = 42;

// Same thing with `VEC_MUT()`
VEC_MUT(v, int, 0, 42);

Capacity and reallocation

The capacity of a vector is the amount of space allocated for any future elements that will be pushed/inserted onto the vector. This is not to be confused with the length of a vector, which specifies the number of actual elements within it. If a vector’s length exceeds its capacity, it will automatically be increased, but its elements will have to be reallocated.

vec_t* v = vec_with_capacity(1, sizeof(int));

// Pushing doesn't need reallocating (declared with a capacity of 1)
vec_push(v, 1);

// Pushing again will cause a reallocation!
vec_push(v, 2);

Reallocating memory can be slow, especially on large vectors. For this reason, it is recommended to use vec_with_capacity() whenever possible. One can also use vec_resize() or vec_reserve() before pushing many values onto the vector, which may force it to reallocate multiple times.


The C language type system being weak and not enforcing any special rules for type conversion, the users of this library shall be especially careful with how they use the vec_t type.

As its goal is to provide a way to store elements generically, it internally uses void* (which do not hold any information about the type being stored, but only where it points at in memory). The use of void pointers is generally dicouraged and considered bad practice as it often leads to many memory problems and UB.

Therefore, the user must abide to these (non-exhaustive) rules:

  • Never manually change the fields of the vector.
  • Always use the vector with the type it was declared with.
  • Verify that the functions return valid pointers, values or the VEC_OK macro.

Not following these rules WILL break your code and/or make you go insane while trying to track down the bugs! (Aslo, feel free to suggest/add rules in the list above).


The vec_t type defined here is quite fundamental in nature as it only consists in a (length, capacity, element size, pointer) quadruplet. These are not necessarily stored together and their order is not specified. As mentioned in the usage rules defined the Safety section above, use the appropriate functions to modidy these. By design, vec_t is as low-overhead as the C language permits it, while trying to keep it as safe to use as possible.

If a vec_t has allocated memory, then the memory it points to is on the heap. Its pointer points to len initialized, contiguous elements in order, followed by capacity - len logically uninitialized, contiguous elements (see diagram above for a better visualization).

The vec_t type will never automatically shrink itself, even if completely empty. This ensures no unnecessary allocations or deallocations occur. Emptying a vector and then filling it back up to the same len should not incur calls to allocator functions. If you wish to free up unused memory, use vec_shrink_to_fit().

The library's functions vec_push() and vec_insert() will never (re)allocate if the vector's capacity is sufficient. These will only (re)allocate if len == capacity. The vector's capacity is completely accurate, and can be relied on, provided that the user never manually modifies the vector's capacity field.

The vec_t type does not guarantee any particular growth strategy when reallocating, nor when vec_reserve() is called. The current strategy is basically to only allocate space for one more element. One can modify the VEC_GROWTH_FACTOR macro down in the Macro section if it wishes to optimize reallocations. Whatever strategy is used will of course guarantee O(1) amortized push.

Provided functions

Declaring, droping, copying

  • vec_t* vec_new(size_t elem_size)
  • vec_t* vec_with_capacity(size_t capacity, size_t elem_size)
  • vec_t* vec_with_value(void* value, size_t len, size_t elem_size)
  • vec_t* vec_from_raw_parts(void* raw_ptr, size_t len, size_t elem_size)
  • int vec_copy(vec_t* self, vec_t* other)
  • int vec_inner_copy(vec_t* self, vec_t* other, size_t start, size_t end)
  • void vec_drop(vec_t* self)
  • void vec_drop_all(size_t to_drop, ...)

Looking up

  • int vec_contains(vec_t* self, void* value)
  • int vec_search(vec_t* self, void* value)
  • int vec_is_empty(vec_t* self)
  • void* vec_peak(vec_t* self, size_t index)

Managing memory

  • int vec_resize(vec_t* self, size_t new_capacity)
  • int vec_reserve(vec_t* self, size_t additional)
  • int vec_shrink_to_fit(vec_t* self)
  • int vec_truncate(vec_t* self, size_t new_len)
  • int vec_clear(vec_t* self)

Mutating the vector

  • int vec_push(vec_t* self, void* elem)
  • int vec_insert(vec_t* self, void* elem, size_t index)
  • int vec_pop(vec_t* self, void* ret)
  • int vec_delete(vec_t* self, size_t index)
  • int vec_remove(vec_t* self, void* ret, size_t index)
  • int vec_swap_delete(vec_t* self, size_t index)
  • int vec_swap_remove(vec_t* self, void* ret, size_t index)
  • int vec_append(vec_t* self, vec_t* other)
  • int vec_split_at(vec_t* self, vec_t* other, size_t index)
  • int vec_swap(vec_t* self, size_t index1, size_t index2)
  • int vec_reverse(vec_t* self)

Ideas for future implementations

  • vec_iter(): A function to iterate over a vector, maybe some kind of FOREACH() macro.
  • vec_rotate_right/left(): Shifts the elements to the right/left and rotates them.
  • vec_retain(): Only keeps the elements that match the specified argument.
  • vec_is_sorted(): Checks that the elements of the vector are sorted.
  • vec_dedup(): Removes consecutive repeated elements in the vector. Removes all duplicates if the vector is sorted.
  • vec_binary_search(): Performs a binary search on a vector (requires that it is sorted).
  • vec_sort(): Sorts the vector. Needs a sorting algorithm that performs well on any data type.

Feel free to suggest more!