
Dispatch incoming telephone voicemails/SMS messages from Twilio according to a PagerDuty on-call schedule

Primary LanguagePython


Dispatch incoming telephone voicemails/SMS messages from Twilio according to a PagerDuty on-call schedule

Based on sample code published in February 2012 by David Hayes (see Triggering an alert from a phone call (code sample))


Uses Google App Engine with PagerDuty for on-call scheduling and Twilio for telephone/SMS handling.

This version improves upon the sample code in a few ways:

  • Added support for SMS messages
  • Added support for multiple on-call numbers by passing the PagerDuty API key and voicemail greeting in the GET request
  • Updated to Python 2.7 and webapp2
  • Updated to use the full Google URL Shortener API


  1. PagerDuty account: http://www.pagerduty.com
  2. Twilio account: http://www.twilio.com
  3. Google App Engine account: http://appengine.google.com
  4. Google App Engine SDK for Python: https://developers.google.com/appengine/downloads


The phoneduty application is configured in Twilio as a TwiML app to handle incoming telephone calls or SMS messages to a Twilio phone number.

Receive voice call:

GET http://{appname}.appspot.com/call?service_key={service_key}(&greeting={greeting})

Return TwiML instructing Twilio to speak a greeting to the caller and record a message. If the caller leaves a message, generate a PagerDuty incident for the service identified by service_key. The incident will contain the caller's phone number and a shortened link to the recording.


GET http://example.appspot.com/call?service\_key=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef&greeting=Leave+a+message+to+contact+the+server+administrator+on+call

Receive SMS message:

GET http://{appname}.appspot.com/sms?service_key={service_key}

Generate a PagerDuty incident for the service identified by service_key. The incident will contain the sender's phone number and the SMS text.


GET http://example.appspot.com/sms?service\_key=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef



PagerDuty service API key; a 32-digit hexadecimal string corresponding to a PagerDuty service created using the "Generic API system" service type.




A URL-encoded text greeting to be spoken by Twilio. If not specified, the default greeting is "Leave a message to contact the on call staff."




  1. Create a new Google App Engine application, and remember the application name; example: example.appspot.com

  2. Edit app.yaml and change "new-project-template" to your application name, then upload the application using appcfg.py update (see Uploading, Downloading, and Managing a Python App)

  3. Create a new PagerDuty service using the "Generic API system" service type; note the resulting 32-digit hexadecimal Service API key; example: 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef

  4. In Twilio, create a new TwiML App (see Create App)

  5. Change the Voice request type for the new app from POST to GET

  6. Set the Voice request URL to your application for receiving voice calls, for example (remember to replace "example" with your application name, and service_key with your PagerDuty service API key):


  7. Change the SMS request type from POST to GET

  8. Set the SMS request URL to your application for receiving SMS messages, for example (remember to replace "example" with your application name, and service_key with your PagerDuty service API key):


  9. Try calling your application using the Twilio Client and verify it creates a PagerDuty incident successfully.

  10. In Twilio, create a new number and associate it with your application for Voice and SMS.

  11. For additional on-call numbers, use the same Google App Engine application, but specify a new PagerDuty service, TwiML app, and Twilio number.

Example: Multiple Phone Numbers

Google App Engine Application

  • example.appspot.com (phoneduty application)

PagerDuty Services

  • "Server Administrators Telephone (555-555-0111)" (Service API key: 11111111111111111111111111111111)
  • "Database Administrators Telephone (555-555-0122)" (Service API key: 22222222222222222222222222222222)

Twilio TwiML Apps

Server Administrators App


GET http://example.appspot.com/call?service\_key=11111111111111111111111111111111&greeting=Leave+a+message+to+page+the+server+administrator+on+call


GET http://example.appspot.com/sms?service\_key=11111111111111111111111111111111

Database Administrators App


GET http://example.appspot.com/call?service\_key=22222222222222222222222222222222&greeting=Leave+a+message+to+page+the+database+administrator+on+call


GET http://example.appspot.com/sms?service\_key=22222222222222222222222222222222

Twilio Phone Numbers

  • 555-555-0111 - Server Administrators Number
    • Voice: Server Administrators App
    • SMS: Server Administrators App
  • 555-555-0112 - Database Administrators Number
    • Voice: Database Administrators App
    • SMS: Database Administrators App