
Video Processing app using Django

Primary LanguageHTML

VidMIX - Django

Django & AngularJS app for Video Editing.

Introduction :

This ia a Django application that allows a user to upload a video and its .srt file containing subtitles. The video will be broken into chunks, based on the timing information specified in the .srt file. The corresponding audio will be extracted from each video chunk and stored separately.

For the uploaded video, I had provide a facility that will display the start time, end time, video chunk sequence number, subtitles, and its respective audio (.mp3) as shown below. For each audio, there will be a facility to [Upload], in which a user is allowed to re-upload the edited .mp3 file for that video chunk. The [Download] button will combine all the video chunks with respective audio chunks into single video (.mp4 or .ogv).

This Tool help you build, change your video efficiently and easily.

Hope You Enjoy!!

Prerequisite :

  • Django-3.0.1
  • Python-3
  • Sqlite3 ( database )
  • AngularJS ( front-end )
  • ffmpeg ( video handeling )

Features :

1. Trim & Replace :

Trim videos into smaller snippets and replace, delete audio for unwanted parts. You can again combine the trimmed clips to form video.

2. Split & Combine :

Cut longer videos into smaller snippets, delete unwanted parts and only keep what you like. You can also combine multiple clips into 1 longer video.

Setup :

Make sure you have installed ffmpeg

Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/dssudake/VidMIX-Django.git

Create a virtual environment and activate

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements using pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get Project running on localhost:8000 in browser window.

cd vidmix
python manage.py runserver