Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Framework Code into Web Components

This repository contains the code examples for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Framework Code into Web Components talk. It will be updated periodically if/when things change.


The slides presented at various meetups and conferences related to this example repo will be posted in this repo (dstanich/export-web-components-slides).


Folder Contents
00-vanilla-web-component Vanilla JS web component example using NFL North teams. Attempts to demo most web comonent features.
01-sample-apps Grocery app implemented the same way in Angular, React, and Vue. These are used as a base for exporting web components.
02-exported-examples With a base of 01-sample-apps, add web component export packages and make changes to export the components.
03-using-exported-components Use the built examples from 02-exported-examples and mix the web component examples with each other.