GoF Design Patterns, each pattern described with story from real life.
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add support for git action
#76 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement iterator in python
#74 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement decorator in python
#73 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement proxy in python
#72 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement facade in python
#71 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement flyweight in python
#70 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement composite in python
#69 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement bridge in python
#68 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement adapter in python
#67 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement abstract factory in python
#66 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement factory method in python
#65 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement builder in python
#64 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement prototype in python
#63 opened by dstar55 - 0
implement singleton in python
#62 opened by dstar55 - 0
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add missing images
#57 opened by dstar55 - 0
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add know uses jdk
#59 opened by dstar55 - 0
add logo on gitpitch white template
#55 opened by dstar55 - 0
add gitpitch white template
#54 opened by dstar55 - 0
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code cleaning
#25 opened by dstar55 - 1
write description how
#50 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Template Method
#48 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Visitor
#49 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Command
#40 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, State
#46 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Iterator
#42 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Interpreter
#41 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Memento
#44 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Mediator
#43 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Strategy
#47 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Observer
#45 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Chain Of Responsibility
#39 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, proxy
#38 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, facade
#36 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, flyweight
#37 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, decorator
#35 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, composite
#34 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, bridge
#33 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, adapter
#32 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Abstract Factory
#31 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Factory Method
#30 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Builder
#29 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Prototype
#28 opened by dstar55 - 0
Write a story, Singleton
#27 opened by dstar55 - 0
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add travis support
#26 opened by dstar55