
Data science Environment with IPython Notebooks, Spark Cluster via docker

Primary LanguageShell

sh build-image.sh


docker run -i -t samklr/pyspark-notebook pyspark

For scala:

docker run -i -t samklr/pyspark-notebook spark-shell

- get the local ip:

boot2docker ip

runs ipython notebook in foreground:

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 samklr/pyspark-notebook ipython notebook --ipython-dir=/.ipython --profile=pyspark


# This is the repo:

runs the vm without ipython:

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v $(PWD):/mnt samklr/pyspark-notebook

works:Run this seperately (kernel doesn't crap out as when a single command):

ipython notebook --ipython-dir=/.ipython --profile=pyspark ipython kernel --ipython-dir=/.ipython --profile=pyspark


This section is to (attempt to) run an ipython kernel in one docker container

- then connect with another docker container:

1) kernel docker container:

sh build-image.sh docker run -it --publish-all -v $(PWD):/mnt --rm --name ipython-kernel samklr/pyspark-notebook ipython kernel --ipython-dir=/mnt/ipython --profile=pyspark


2) client/console docker container:

docker run -it --publish-all -v $(PWD):/mnt --link=ipython-kernel:ipython-kernel samklr/pyspark-notebook ipython console --ipython-dir=/mnt/ipython --profile=pyspark --existing kernel-19.json

-> Note, I tried changing the 'ip' in the kernel-7.json to {boot2docker ip}, but in both cases get a "ERROR: Kernel did not respond"

  • So kernel server publishes all docker run --publish-all

  • client server can then read those

  • TODO need a script which crafts a Dockerfile

  • TODO want to have json witten to volumn

  • TODO Want to look at json

  • TODO want to connect to kernel using another docker machine?

** Run linux commands: apt-get install screen ** run ipython notebook: screen -S ipynotebook ipython notebook --ipython-dir=/.ipython --profile=pyspark ** run ipython to attach kernel *** TODO How to have a kernel generated by notebook?

  • TODO look to see if there is a kernel .json in the VM ** maybe I can connect if the FS is shared and ports are shared

TODO for now just start a kernel

  • and then just connect to this externally
  • then maybe connect via
  • Ipython kernel stuff: ** first start up a kernel server: ipython kernel ** Then connect: ipython console --existing kernel-47897.json

# #

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v $(PWD):/mnt samklr/pyspark-notebook ipython notebook --ipython-dir=/.ipython --profile=pyspark

# #

  • TODO maybe just get pyspark running (in local) ** and connect to this

  • DONE Want to use ipython-notebook, ** TODO attach to kernels *** TODO could use external ipython to attach to kernel ** TODO attache to pyspark kernel

  • TODO want to upgrade spark to 1.2: https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html


  • The kernel seems to crash when I try to create a new notebook

  • TODO is there some directory which is attempting to be written to?

  • TODO Can I just have a simple docker

This gives access to the vm:

docker run /bin/bash





Remote Hackathon

Data science Environment with IPython Notebooks, Spark Cluster via docker

Spins up a Container with Spark installed, and IPython Notebook server.


Get into pyspark-docker

Build your docker image : ** sh pyspark-docker/build-images **

Run the container with the notebook server :

  **docker run -d -p 8888:8888 samklr/pyspark-notebook ipython notebook --profile=pyspark**

If you just want to play with spark from the command line :

  ** sudo docker run -i -t samklr/pyspark-notebook pyspark **
  ** sudo docker run -i -t samklr/pyspark-notebook spark-shell **

Head to your browser : * http://[your_IP_address or localhost]:8888 *

Next : Full web app with embedded notebooks and control of environments.

        *Support for Scala via iscala and Andy's spark notebook*

        *Full support for multiple clusters via Kubernetes (work in progress)*

        *Deploy Script to Mesos/Marathon*

Sam Bessalah
