What Is This Project? :
- This is a simple item list that is built using the MERN stack and is an introduction to using MERN.
What Is MERN? :
- MERN stands for MongoDB, ExrpessJS, ReactJs, and NodeJS. The main purpose in using these technologie together is that you are using a stack that only requires javascript as opposed to several languages that could be difficult to connect to one another. ReactJS serves as the front-end (or client side) where the UI is made up of React components. Changes in data from the front-end are sent to the NodeJS/ExpressJS based back-end (server side) which stores the data in MongoDB.
- A no-sql database to store data.
- A javascript framework used along with NodeJS to build the back-end of a website.
- A javascript framework used to build the front-end user interface.
- A javascript run time environment used to run javascript outside of a browser onto a machine.
- To run the application use "npm run dev"
Other Dependencies/Technologies:
- Axios
- Redux
- Reactstrap
- Postman