
Utilities for performing everyday Data Science and ML tasks done for utility and practice.

Primary LanguagePython

AWS Utils Lib



This repo contains several utilities for Data Science and ML Engineering work. I made this both for personal use and for practice using AWS.

Repository Contents


The aws-stacks directory contains several CloudFormation stacks as .yml files. The idea is to have stacks for everyday tasks such as training an ML model, or setting up a logging / tracking server.

The assets directory contains bootstrap scripts and configuration files that may be used with the stacks. The assets associated with a given stack, say my-stack.yml, in aws-stacks should be stored in a directory assets/my-stack, that is, with the same name as the stack.

Adding a New Stack

In order to add a new stack, first create the CloudFormation .yml template and store it in the aws-stacks directory. When making the template, take the following into account:

  • If the templates uses a CIDR range of addresses to allow SSH access to an instance and / or the name of a key to gain SSH access, name these parameters SSHAccessAddresses and KeyNameParameter, respectively.
  • If the templates uses assets that must be copied to the instance on startup (such as a bootstrap script), save these files in the assets folder under a subdirectory with the same name as the stack, as was said above. Additionally, you should add a parameter AssetsBucketName to the stack (no default value) to pass the name of the assets bucket, and your instances should have permissions to read from this bucket.


Sync Stacks to Bucket

In order to set up the library for use, do the following:

  • Create an S3 bucket to store the stacks and assets.
  • Ensure you have the aws CLI installed.
  • Run the setup.sh script with bash setup.sh your-bucket-name. This will create a ~/.ds-utils-data directory to store metadata. Within it there will be a .env file with the bucket name. Additionally, it will sync your aws-stacks and assets directories to the bucket.

If you have already performed the initial setup and have added new stacks or assets, you can once again run the setup.sh script with bash setup.sh to sync these to the bucket.

Install Python Library

In order to install the python library to manage the stacks, first navigate to the python-lib directory and then run the setup script with

python setup.py install

Launching a Stack

Once you have installed the python library, you can launch a stack more easily with

python -m aws_utils_lib.cf_stack launch --stack_name=a-stack-name

To add parameters, such as KeyNameParameter, for example, you can add them as flags. So for example to set this parameter you could run

python -m aws_utils_lib.cf_stack launch --stack_name=a-stack-name --KeyNameParameter=a-key-name

Additionally, you can also delete a stack with the python library as follows:

python -m aws_utils_lib.cf_stack delete --stack_name=a-stack-name

You can also use the library to list the currently deployed stacks with:

python -m aws_utils_lib.cf_stack active-stacks

Library Versioning

The versioning of the python library should use these guidelines:

  • Tiny version change (0.0.X): Minor change or bugfix.
  • Minor version change (0.X.0): New features or functionality.
  • Major version change (X.0.0): Change that breaks or substantially alters existing functionality or API.

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