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Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Framework prototype for Amazon automation testing

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This project provides automated test example framework for Amazon to find and order the following items:

  1. Latest Playstation with a most profitable price for your husband.
  2. TV show with a highest review rate for your Mom.
  3. Star Wars Lego for your 9 years old kid.
  4. Montale Wild Pears Parfum (50 milliliters) for your girlfriend.
  5. Red NIKE running shoes (42 EU size) for your boyfriend.

1. Configuration details:

The project uses TestNG testing framework and Allure test report framework to create test execution reports. Gradle configure project build automation.

  • To supply test data in a more flexible way use TestNG DataProvider wrapper Test Data Supplier.

  • For browser management and taking screenshots in project was used WebDriver Supplier.

  • All scenarios tested on Firefox 57.0 and Chrome 62.0 browsers in Docker containers via Selenoid.

1.1. Create config/browsers.json configuration file with content:

  "firefox": {
    "default": "57.0",
    "versions": {
      "57.0": {
        "image": "selenoid/vnc:firefox_57.0",
        "port": "4444"
  "chrome": {
    "default": "62.0",
    "versions": {
      "62.0": {
        "image": "selenoid/vnc:chrome_62.0",
        "port": "4444"

1.2. To run tests by multi-container Docker use a Docker Compose YAML file to configure your application's services:

For Windows use next docker compose YAML file configuration:

version: '3'
    image: "aerokube/selenoid:1.4.0"
    network_mode: bridge
      - "4444:4444"
      - "/C/your directory:/etc/selenoid" # assumed current dir contains browsers.json located on C: drive
      - "/C/your directory for video files:/output" # assumed current dir contains video files located on C: drive
      - "//var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
      - "OVERRIDE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_DIR=/C/your directory for video files/"
    command: ["-limit", "6", "-conf", "/etc/selenoid/browsers.json", "-video-output-dir",
 "/your directory for video files located on C: drive"]
    image: "aerokube/selenoid-ui"
    network_mode: bridge
      - selenoid
      - "8081:8080"
    command: ["--selenoid-uri", "http://selenoid:4444"]

For Mac and Linux use next docker compose YAML file configuration:

version: '3'
    image: "aerokube/selenoid:1.4.0"
    network_mode: bridge
      - "4444:4444"
    - "$PWD:/etc/selenoid/"
    - "$PWD:/output"
    - "//var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
    command:  ["-limit", "6", "-conf", "/etc/selenoid/browsers.json", "-video-output-dir", "/output"]
    image: "aerokube/selenoid-ui"
    network_mode: bridge
    - selenoid
    - "8081:8080"
    command: ["--selenoid-uri", "http://selenoid:4444"]

2. Run Configuration details:

To create Run/Debug Configuration for Gradle use: clean test gradle task.

For Allure report generation use: allureReport gradle task.

For find Allure report on Web use: allureServe gradle task.

3. Allure

To see report you could use gradle task: allureServe or open build/reports/allure-report/index.html

Allure report structure:

  1. Entry point for every report would be the 'Overview' page with dashboards and widgets
  2. Categories tab gives you the way to create custom defects classification to apply for test results.
  3. On the Suites tab a standard structural representation of executed tests, grouped by suites and classes can be found.
  4. Graphs allow you to see different statistics collected from the test data: statuses breakdown or severity and duration diagrams.
  5. Timeline tab visualizes retrospective of tests execution, allure adaptors collect precise timings of tests, and here on this tab they are arranged accordingly to their sequential or parallel timing structure.
  6. For Behavior-driven approach, this tab groups test results according to Epic, Feature and Story tags.
  7. Packages tab represents a tree-like layout of test results, grouped by different packages.
  8. From some of the results overview pages described above you can go to the test case page after clicking on the individual tests. This page will typically contain a lot of individual data related to the test case: steps executed during the test, timings, attachments, test categorization labels, descriptions and links.

4. Authors