Dungeon Master Battle Bot

Invite to your server


Clone and deploy locally

  • Create .env file, add to .gitignore.
  • Create a new application and retrieve bot token from discord at https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fdevelopers. Add to .env as TOKEN value.
  • Generate MongoDB URI connection string either with locally running instance or using Mongo Atlas. Add to .env as MONGO_URI value.
  • Invite your bot to your development server using link in oAuth permissions section of your application on Discord.
  • node index.js


/create-enemy <enemy-name> [, <enemy-name>]

  • Creates one or more new enemies, set with 0 damage and a unique name.


  • Lists all created enemies for the current channels.

/attack <enemy-name> <damage-amount>

  • Increase an enemies total damage.

/kill <enemy-name>

  • Remove an enemy permanently from the game.