
go negroni httprouter with a good makefile

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Go Webserver

This repo is meant to be a small example of a good starting point for a Go project.

  • Handles templates (Bootstrap 4 setup as an example)
  • Handles a graceful HTTP shutdown
  • Uses Dep for dependency management
  • Sets appropriate timeouts on the http server for production use
  • Uses httprouter for routing
  • Uses Negroni for middleware
  • Has both expvar and pprof integrated for advanced debugging
  • Has prometheus metrics integrated
  • Has Jaeger tracing integrated
  • Has both "healthz" and "readyz" endpoints for kubernetes
  • Has an "info" endpoint to provide program information

The repo is structured as follows:

├── .editorconfig       # Good starting editor settings
├── .gitattributes      # Good start
├── .gitignore          # Good start
├── Dockerfile          # By placing the Dockerfile on the root
│                       # we can make it very simple - when executing
│                       # the `docker build` command from the root
│                       # the context of the build will carry all the
│                       # relevant Go files and dependencies
├── Gopkg.lock          # Using dep as our package manager
├── Gopkg.toml          # Using dep as our package manager
├── Makefile            # Filled with magic...       
├── pkg                 # Go app packages
│   ├── handlers
|   |   ├── handlers.go
|   |   └── handlers_test.go
│   ├── router
|   |   ├── router.go
|   |   └── router_test.go
│   └── tmpl
|      ├── tmpl.go
|      └── tmpl_test.go
├── VERSION             # What version are we?
├── vendor              # Our vendor libraries
├── main.go             # a `main` file so that one can reference 
└── main_test.go        # the project from the repository name


Starting the Jaeger Collector

To keep this demo simple, we’ll start the all-in-one Jaeger Docker image:

$ docker run -d \
    -p 5775:5775/udp \
    -p 6831:6831/udp \
    -p 6832:6832/udp \
    -p 5778:5778 \
    -p 16686:16686 \
    -p 14268:14268 \
    --name=jaeger \

After a few seconds, all Jaeger components should be up and running.