
Rails Web App that allows users to store and categorize hyperlink bookmarks in a user friendly web site.

Primary LanguageRuby


Rails Web App that allows users to store and categorize hyperlink bookmarks in a user friendly web site.

This site is organized such that Archives are the main container of content information. Archives consist of a title, optional text description, and whatever content the user wants to populate it with. This content is composed of a title, text description and a link field for the user to easily visit an archive and be sent off to view whatever the content points to. The description and link is optional, the content can be entirely text or a single hyperlink but presumably one or the other.

To do

  • Implement Testing
  • Implement Password Resetting
  • Implement Search Form for Archives page
  • Implement content sorting based on user's clicks, time content was created, alphabet, default will be most recent additions.
  • Implement Archive edit such as renaming an Archive or rewriting its description
  • Implement Content revising, deletion, and tagging