
Localization Support for Mack Framework

Primary LanguageRuby

Mack-localization GEM

Provide localization support for the Mack framework.
In  your mack application, you need to add the localization configuration file (localization.yml)
in {APP}/config/localization.  By default the gem will create initial configuration which
can be then be overwritten by the localization.yml file.  The following are the configurations
  - base_language
    this will tell the gem gem what is the default language to use if none is specified

  - supported_languages
    this provides the array of languages to be supported.  Make sure that each language
    defined here has a corresponding content file.

  - char_encoding
    this will set the default char encoding for the gem to use.  This feature is yet to 
    be implemented.

  - dynamic_translation
    If this feature is set, then when a request for translated string cannot be found in
    the language file, the system will perform a dynamic lookup to translation service,
    and cache the content for future uses.  This feature is yet to be implemented

  - content_expiry
    Tell the system how often should it reload and cache the content.  
Sample localization.yml file:
    base_language: 'fr'

      - bp
      - en
      - fr
      - it
      - es
      - de

    char_encoding: 'utf-8'

    dynamic_translation: true

    content_expiry: 10


Usage in application:

When the gem is loaded into the application, there are several shortcut methods defined for the 
application, they are:

Globally accessible:
- give access to the configuration of the system

- give access to the translator instance

- give access to the formatter instance

View helpers:
get the string for a specific key in a view with a specified language

get the image for a specific key in a view with a specified language.
This feature is yet to be implemented.

format date

format number

format currency

File structure:

The root folder of the localized files can be anywhere (and settable from the config file), however,
the structure of the localized files is assumed.

The system will assume the following file structure:


The content of content_lang.rb should be as followed:

    :key1 => "content 1",
    :key2 => "content 2",

NOTE: I'm thinking of changing the content file to use yaml structure instead of ruby hash.