Many different pieces of code
- ansible-autoupdate - Ansible role which adds daily updates cron job
- ansible-elastic-logstash-kibana - Ansible role which deploy ELK stack docker containers
- ansible-mariadb - Ansible role which deploy mariadb docker container
- ansible-minecraft - Ansible role which deploy minecraft server docker container
- ansible-oh-my-zsh - Ansible role which install oh-my-zsh for current user
- ansible-openvpn - Ansible role which deploy openvpn docker container
- ansible-portainer - Ansible role which deploy portainer docker container
- ansible-prometheus-grafana - Ansible role which deploy prometheus and grafana docker containers
- ansible-registry - Ansible role which install docker registry docker container
- ansible-set-locale - Ansible role which sets english locale on the server
- ansible-set-timezone - Ansible role which sets Europe/Moscow timezone on the server
- ansible-socks5 - Ansible role which deploy socks5 proxy docker container
- ansible-swap - Ansible role which sets swap on the server
- ansible-traefik - Ansible role which deploy traefik docker container
- ansible-whoami - Ansible role which deploy whoami docker container
- docker-compose-apache-php - Docker compose project with apache + php services
- docker-compose-php70 - Docker compose project with php-fpm service
- docker-golang - Dockerfile for golang
- docker-nginx-consul - Nginx+consul+consultemplate docker image
- shell-install-docker - Shell script which installs docker
- shell-install-nvm - Shell script which installs NVM
- shell-install-oh-my-zsh - Shell script which installs Oh-my-zsh
- shell-install-zsh-pure - Shell script which installs zsh-pure
- shell-set-daily-updates - Shell script which adds daily updates cron job
- shell-set-swap - Shell script which installs swap
- shell-set-timezone - Shell script which sets Europe/Moscow timezone
C language
- c-bsearch - Binary search algorithm written in C language
- c-btree - Binary tree structure written in C language
- c-extensible-array - Dynamicaly extensible array written in C language
- c-hashmap - HashMap structure written in C language
- c-linked-lists - Linked list structure written in C language
- c-markov-chain - Markov chain algorithm written in C language
- c-qsort - Quick sort algorithm written in C language
Go language
- go-benchmark - Benchmark of sum in many goroutines written in Go
- go-cgo-benchmark - Fibonacci processing benchmark with cgo and without cgo
- go-cgo-php-extension - PHP extension written in Go
- go-cgo-python-cdll - Python shared library written in Go loading
- go-cgo-python-extension - Python extension written in Go
- go-cgo-shared-lib - Shared library written in Go
- go-code-generation - Code generalization with code generation
- go-consul - Consul communication with Go
- go-http-echo-over-tcp - HTTP echo server over tcp written in Go
- go-http-echo-over-tcp-thread-pooled - HTTP echo server over tcp written in Go with thread pool
- go-http-mirror - HTTP mirror server written in Go
- go-http-pipe - HTTP pipe server written in Go
- go-philosopher-dinner - Philosopher dinner app from Rustbook written in Go
- go-plus-rust - Go plus Rust languages intercommunication
- go-plus-scrypt-rust-c - Rust scrypt bindings for go
- go-tcp-echo - TCP echo server written in Go
- go-telegrambot - Telegram bot written in Go
- go-webassembly - Webassembly app written in Go
- go-websocket - Websocket app written in Go
- go-x509-certs - x509 certs manipulation with Go
- go-exec-from-memory - Running binary app from memory without saving on the disk
- go-https-attack-proxy - HTTPS/HTTP attack proxy that sniffing requests and responses
- go-plugins-cgo-with-same-symbol-names - Example of using go plugins that statically linked C libraries with CGO with same symbol names
- go-net-with-custom-codec – Example of usage gonet library with custom codec
Java language
- java-http-echo-over-tcp - HTTP echo server over tcp written in Java
- java-telegrambot - Telegram bot written in Java
JavaScript language
- js-gulp-plugin - Gulp plugin template
PHP language
- php-chmod777 - Recursive files changing mod PHP script
Python language
- python-http-echo-over-tcp - HTTP echo server over tcp written in Python
Rust language
- rust-benchmark - Benchmark of sum in many threads written in Rust
- rust-convert-temperatures - Converting from celsius to fahrenheit in Rust
- rust-fibonacci - Fibonacci algorithm written in Rust language
- rust-http-echo-over-tcp - HTTP echo server over tcp written in Rust
- rust-http-echo-over-tcp-with-tokio - HTTP echo server over tcp written in Rust with Tokio library
- rust-http-mirror - HTTP mirror server written in Rust
- rust-http-simple-rest - HTTP simple REST written in Rust
- rust-philosopher-dinner - Philosopher dinner app from Rustbook written in Rust
- rust-secret-number - Secret number app from Rustbook written in Rust
- rust-telegrambot - Telegram bot written in Rust
- rust-time - Time manipulation in Rust
- rust-embed - Shared library written in Rust
Inter language communication
- go-cgo-python-cdll - Python shared library written in Go loading
- go-cgo-python-extension - Python extension written in Go
- go-cgo-shared-lib - Shared library written in Go
- go-cgo-php-extension - PHP extension written in Go
- go-plus-rust - Go plus Rust languages intercommunication
- rust-embed - Shared library written in Rust
Binary search
- c-bsearch - Binary search algorithm written in C language
Binary tree
- c-btree - Binary tree structure written in C language
Extensible array
- c-extensible-array - Dynamicaly extensible array written in C language
- c-hashmap - HashMap structure written in C language
Linked lists
- c-linked-lists - Linked list structure written in C language
Markov chain
- c-markov-chain - Markov chain algorithm written in C language
Quick sort
- c-qsort - Quick sort algorithm written in C language
- rust-fibonacci - Fibonacci algorithm written in Rust language