Library and sample app for pushing Spring Boot metrics to doppler (a.k.a. loggregator).


You need Java (8) and Maven (3) to build the this project.

Building the Project

$ mvn install

Running the Application Locally

If you have network connectivity into a doppler host (e.g. a Vagrant VM at, you can run the app locally and pump metrics:

$ cd spring-boot-metrics-doppler-sample
$ export DOPPLER_HOST=
$ mvn spring-boot:run

and hit the home page a few times (you get a 404, but that generates metrics): http://localhost:8080. By default the app will send metrics as unsigned UDP messages to the metron port 3457. You can also have it send signed messages directly to doppler if you know the secret for the signature:

$ export DOPPLER_HOST=
$ export DOPPLER_PORT=3458
$ export DOPPLER_SECRET=loggregator-secret
$ mvn spring-boot:run

In lattice doppler listens on port 3458. In PCF I believe it listens on 3457 as well.

See src/main/resources/ for configuration options.

The Firehose

There is a utility at that you can use to cat the loggregator data. Make sure go is installed and GO_PATH is set then do this:

$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ vi firehose_sample/main.go
... edit the file and change the address to match your doppler server
$ go build -o bin/firehose_sample firehose_sample/main.go
$ bin/firehose_sample
... lots of logs
$ bin/firehose_sample | grep metrics-sample.*ValueMetric
... metrics only from the sample app

I modified the sample so that it pulls the doppler address from an environment variable, e.g.

const DefaultDopplerAddress = "ws://"


func main() {
    DopplerAddress :=  os.Getenv("DOPPLER_ADDRESS")
    if (len(DopplerAddress) == 0) {
        DopplerAddress = DefaultDopplerAddress

It's not Working

I know. The metron process only listens on, and the doppler process only listens on an internal network as well (e.g., so you probably can't reach either of them. You can see the processes if you can ssh into the VM they are running on and do a netstat:

$ sudo netstat -ulnp
udp        0      0*      2825/doppler
udp        0      0*      2789/metron

(The example above was in a Vagrant VM running lattice.)

You can use nc to capture a metric message, e.g. for metron

$ nc -u -l 3457

listens on the external address which the app is sending data to. It will accept one message and then stop (for reasons I don't understand), so you have to CTRL-C out of the netcat process. You can redirect the result to a file, in case you might want to replay it later:

$ nc -u -l 3457 > u.dat
$ hexdump u.dat
0000000 0e0a 656d 7274 6369 2d73 6173 706d 656c
0000010 0610 ef30 9ecf d39b 4a29 0a2e 631c 756f
0000020 746e 7265 732e 6174 7574 2e73 3034 2e34
0000030 7473 7261 732d 6174 1172 0000 0000 0000
0000040 3ff0 051a 6f63 6e75 0074

To replay it you can do this:

$ cat u.dat | nc -u 3457

and it will show up in the doppler firehose.

Attempting to Bridge UDP to Metron

You'd think this would work (on the VM that runs doppler):

$ mkfifo pipe
$ nc -k -u -l 3457 0<pipe | tee p.log | nc -u 3457 1>pipe

and it does (sort of), but you only ever get one measurement (log message) coming out on the firehose. Kill the process and start again and you get another.

Tunnels and Netcats

For TCP you can set up a chat between 2 nc processes, but with UDP it seems to stop after the first message.


Do the echo 3 times and you get foofoofoo on the first console. But it doesn't work the same way with nc -u - you only get one foo.


This appears to work (in VirtualBox, for EC2 use eth0 instead of eth1):

$ sudo bash -c 'echo 1 >  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/route_localnet'
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -i eth1 --dport 3457 -j DNAT --to-destination

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