Heroku buildpack for PredictionIO

PredictionIO is an open source machine learning framework.

Two apps are composed to make a basic PredictionIO service:

  1. Engine: a specialized machine learning app which provides training of a model and then queries against that model; generated from a template or custom code.
  2. Eventserver: a simple HTTP API app for capturing events to process from other systems; shareable between multiple engines.

Docs 📚

✏️ Throughout these docs, code terms that start with $ represent a value (shell variable) that should be replaced with a customized value, e.g $eventserver_name, $engine_name, $postgres_addon_id

Heroku architectures

Two styles of deployment are possible on Heroku.

Cluster on Heroku Enterprise

Use PredictionIO engines with a scalable Spark cluster.

Deploy spark-in-space into a Private Space.

Apps created in the Space

The eventserver & engine apps must be created with the --space option set to the name of a Private Space:

heroku create $eventserver_name --space $space_name
heroku create $engine_name --space $space_name

Database in the Common Runtime

🚨 Database connection is required during build. Stateless builds to solve this issue are in discussion on the Apache Software Foundation Spark users mailing list

When creating the eventserver's database, a few extra arguments are required to attach to the Private Space.

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:standard-0 --region=us -a $eventserver_name --confirm $eventserver_name

Set Spark master on an engine

Engines must be pointed at the Spark master. Include the --master option along with any other Spark options:

heroku config:set \
  PIO_TRAIN_SPARK_OPTS='--master spark://1.master.$spark_master_name.app.localspace:7077' \
  PIO_SPARK_OPTS='--master spark://1.master.$spark_master_name.app.localspace:7077'

Single dyno on Common Runtime

This buildpacks supports deploying PredictionIO engines on a single dyno outside a Private Space.

The approach runs Spark within the same process as PredictionIO. This is only recommended for experimental, proof-of-concept work. The limited resources of a single dyno restrict use of typically large, statistically significant datasets.

Only Performance-L dynos with 14GB RAM (currently $16/day) provide reasonable utility in this configuration.


Create the eventserver

git clone https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-pio.git pio-eventserver
cd pio-eventserver

heroku create $eventserver_name
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:standard-0
heroku buildpacks:add -i 1 https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-pio.git
heroku buildpacks:add -i 2 https://github.com/heroku/spark-in-space.git
heroku buildpacks:add -i 3 heroku/scala
  • Note the Postgres add-on identifier, e.g. postgresql-aerodynamic-00000; use it below in place of $postgres_addon_id
  • We specify a standard-0 database, because the free hobby-dev database is limited to 10,000 records.

Deploy the eventserver

We delay deployment until the database is ready.

heroku pg:wait && git push heroku master


Create an engine

Install PredictionIO locally and download an engine template from the gallery. This can be as simple as downloading the source from Github and expanding it on your local computer.

cd into the engine directory, and ensure it is a git repo:

git init

Create a Heroku app for the engine

heroku create $engine_name
heroku buildpacks:add -i 1 https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-jvm-common.git
heroku buildpacks:add -i 2 https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-pio.git
heroku buildpacks:add -i 3 https://github.com/heroku/spark-in-space.git

Create a PredictionIO app in the eventserver

heroku run 'pio app new $pio_app_name' -a $eventserver_name
  • This returns an access key for the app; use it below in place of $pio_app_access_key.

Configure the Heroku app to use the eventserver

Replace the Postgres ID & eventserver config values with those from above:

heroku addons:attach $postgres_addon_id
heroku config:set \
  PIO_EVENTSERVER_HOSTNAME=$eventserver_dns_name \
  PIO_EVENTSERVER_ACCESS_KEY=$pio_app_access_key \

Update engine.json

Modify this file to make sure the appName parameter matches the app record created in the eventserver.

  "datasource": {
    "params" : {
      "appName": "$pio_app_name"

Import data

This step will vary based on the engine. See the template's docs for instructions.

Deploy to Heroku

git add .
git commit -m "Initial PIO engine"
git push heroku master


Automatic training

🚨 Private Spaces do not currently support the release-phase script for automatic training. See: Manual training.

pio train will automatically run during release-phase of the Heroku app.

The release dyno size should be set to a larger dyno, like Performance-L:

heroku ps:scale release=0:Performance-L

Auto training may be disabled with:

heroku config:set PIO_TRAIN_ON_RELEASE=false

Manual training

heroku run train

# You may need to revive the app from "crashed" state.
heroku restart


PredictionIO provides an Evaluation mode for engines, which uses cross-validation to help select optimum engine parameters.

⚠️ Only engines that contain src/main/scala/Evaluation.scala support Evaluation mode.

Changes required for evaluation

To run evaluation on Heroku, ensure src/main/scala/Evaluation.scala references the engine's name through the environment. Check the source file to verify that appName is set to sys.env("PIO_EVENTSERVER_APP_NAME"). For example:

DataSourceParams(appName = sys.env("PIO_EVENTSERVER_APP_NAME"), evalK = Some(5))

♻️ If that change was made, then commit, deploy, & re-train before proceeding.

Perform evaluation

Next, start a console & change to the engine's directory:

heroku run bash
$ cd pio-engine/

Then, start the process, specifying the evaluation & engine params classes from the Evaluation.scala source file. For example:

$ pio eval \
    org.template.classification.AccuracyEvaluation \
    org.template.classification.EngineParamsList  \
    -- --driver-class-path /app/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar

Re-deploy best parameters

Once pio eval completes, still in the Heroku console, copy the contents of best.json:

$ cat best.json

♻️ Paste into your local engine.json, commit, & deploy.


Environment variables

Engine deployments honor the following config vars:

    • options passed as pio $opts

    • see: pio command reference

    • example:

      heroku config:set PIO_OPTS='--variant best.json'
    • deploy & training options passed through to spark-submit $opts

    • see: spark-submit reference

    • example:

      heroku config:set \
        PIO_SPARK_OPTS='--total-executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 1g' \
        PIO_TRAIN_SPARK_OPTS='--total-executor-cores 8 --executor-memory 4g'
    • in Private Space: web.$eventserver_name.app.localspace
    • in Common Runtime: $eventserver_name.herokuapp.com
    • always 80 for Heroku apps
    • generated by running pio app new $pio_app_name on the eventserver

Running commands

pio commands that require DB access will need to have the driver specified as an argument (bug with PIO 0.9.5 + Spark 1.6.1):

pio $command -- --driver-class-path /app/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar

To run directly with Heroku CLI

heroku run "cd pio-engine && pio $command -- --driver-class-path /app/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar"

Useful commands

Check engine status:

heroku run "cd pio-engine && pio status -- --driver-class-path /app/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar"