
React Native components for OpenTok iOS and Android SDKs

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

OpenTok Labs


In this repo, you'll find the OpenTok React Native library:


  1. Install node.js

  2. Install and update Xcode (you will need a Mac)

  1. Install and update Android Studio


  1. In your terminal, change into your React Native project's directory

  2. In your terminal, run npm install opentok-react-native

iOS Installation

Note Please make sure to have CocoaPods on your computer.

  1. In you terminal, change into your ios directory.

  2. Create a pod file by running: pod init.

  3. Add the following to your pod file:

    platform :ios, '9.0'

    target '<YourProjectName>' do

      # Pods for <YourProject>
        pod 'OpenTok'

  1. Now run, pod install

  2. Open XCode

  3. Open <YourProjectName>.xcworkspace file in XCode. This file can be found in the ios folder of your React Native project.

  4. Click File and Add Files to

  5. Add the following files from ../node_modules/opentok-react-native/ios to the project:

  • OTPublisher.h
  • OTPublisher.m
  • OTPublisherManager.swift
  • OTPublisherView.swift
  • OTRN.swift
  • OTSessionManager.m
  • OTSessionManager.swift
  • OTSubscriber.h
  • OTSubscriber.m
  • OTSubscriberManager.swift
  • OTSubscriberView.swift
  1. Click Create Bridging Header when you're prompted with the following modal: Would you like to configure an Objective-C bridging header?

  2. Add the contents from the Bridging-Header.h file in ../node_modules/opentok-react-native/ios to <YourProjectName>-Bridging-Header.h

  3. Ensure you have enabled both camera and microphone usage by adding the following entries to your Info.plist file:

<string>Your message to user when the camera is accessed for the first time</string>
<string>Your message to user when the microphone is accessed for the first time</string>

Android Installation

  1. In you terminal, change into your project directory.

  2. Run react-native link opentok-react-native

  3. Open your Android project in Android Studio.

  4. Add the following to your project build.gradle file:

        maven {
            url "http://tokbox.bintray.com/maven"
  • It should look something like this:
  1. Sync Gradle

  2. Make sure the following in your app's gradle compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, minSdkVersion, and targetSdkVersion are the same in the OpenTok React Native library.

  3. As for the older Android devices, ensure you add camera and audio permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="true" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.microphone" android:required="true" />

Newer versions of Android–API Level 23 (Android 6.0)–have a different permissions model that is already handled by this lib.

API Reference

The OpenTok React Native library comprises of:

  • OTSession Component
  • OTPublisher Component
  • OTSubscriber Component

OTSession Component

Prop Type Required Description
apiKey String Yes TokBox API Key
sessionId String Yes TokBox Session ID
token String Yes TokBox token
signal Object No Used to send a signal to the session
eventHandlers Object<Function> No Event handlers passed into the native session instance.

The OTSession component manages the connection to an OpenTok Session. It passes the sessionId to the sessionId prop to its child components. To disconnect the session, unmount the OTSession component. To publish and subscribe, you must nest OTPublisher and OTSubscriber inside OTSession:

<OTSession apiKey="your-api-key" sessionId="your-session-id" token="your-session-token">
  <OTPublisher style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}/>
  <OTSubscriber style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }} />

OTPublisher Component

Prop Type Required Description
sessionId String No OpenTok sessionId. This is auto populated by wrapping OTPublisher with OTSession
properties Object No Properties passed into the native publisher instance
eventHandlers Object<Function> No Event handlers passed into native publsiher instance
  • Properties
    • audioBitrate (Number) — The desired bitrate for the published audio, in bits per second. The supported range of values is 6,000 - 510,000. (Invalid values are ignored.) Set this value to enable high-quality audio (or to reduce bandwidth usage with lower-quality audio). The following are recommended settings:

      • 8,000 - 12,000 for narrowband (NB) speech

      • 16,000 - 20,000 for wideband (WB) speech

      • 28,000 - 40,000 for full-band (FB) speech

      • 48,000 - 64,000 for full-band (FB) music

      • 64,000 - 128,000 for full-band (FB) stereo music

      • The default value is 40,000.

    • audioFallbackEnabled (Boolean) — Whether to turn on audio fallback or not.

    • audioTrack (Boolean) — If this property is set to false, the audio subsystem will not be initialized for the publisher, and setting the publishAudio property will have no effect. If your application does not require the use of audio, it is recommended to set this property rather than use the publishAudio property, which only temporarily disables the audio track.

    • cameraPosition (String) - The preferred camera position. When setting this property, if the change is possible, the publisher will use the camera with the specified position. Valid Inputs: 'front' or 'back'

    • frameRate (Number) - The desired frame rate, in frames per second, of the video. Valid values are 30, 15, 7, and 1. The published stream will use the closest value supported on the publishing client. The frame rate can differ slightly from the value you set, depending on the device of the client. And the video will only use the desired frame rate if the client configuration supports it.

    • name (String) — A string that will be associated with this publisher’s stream. This string is displayed at the bottom of publisher videos and at the bottom of subscriber videos associated with the published stream. If you do not specify a value, the name is set to the device name.

    • publishAudio (Boolean) — Whether to publish audio.

    • publishVideo (Boolean) — Whether to publish video.

    • resolution (String) - The desired resolution of the video. The format of the string is "widthxheight", where the width and height are represented in pixels. Valid values are "1280x720", "640x480", and "352x288". The published video will only use the desired resolution if the client configuration supports it. Some devices and clients do not support each of these resolution settings.

    • videoTrack (Boolean) — If this property is set to false, the video subsystem will not be initialized for the publisher, and setting the publishVideo property will have no effect. If your application does not require the use of video, it is recommended to set this property rather than use the publishVideo property, which only temporarily disables the video track.

The OTPublisher component will initialize a publisher and publish to the specified session upon mounting. To destroy the publisher, unmount the OTPublisher component. Please keep in mind that the publisher view is not removed unless you specifically unmount the OTPublisher component.

<OTSession apiKey="your-api-key" sessionId="your-session-id" token="your-session-token">
  <OTPublisher style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }} />
class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.publisherProperties = {
      publishAudio: false,
      cameraPosition: 'front'

    this.publisherEventHandlers = {
      streamCreated: event => {
        console.log('Publisher stream created!', event);
      streamDestroyed: event => {
        console.log('Publisher stream destroyed!', event);

  render() {
    return (
      <OTSession apiKey="your-api-key" sessionId="your-session-id" token="your-session-token">
          style={{ height: 100, width: 100 }}

The properties prop is used for initial set up of the Publisher and making changes to it will update the Publisher. For convenience the OTPublisher watches for changes on a few keys of the properties object and makes the necessary changes. Currently these are:

Publisher Property Action
cameraPosition Calls OT.changeCameraPosition() to toggle the camera
publishAudio Calls OT.publishAudio() to toggle audio on and off
publishVideo Calls OT.publishVideo() to toggle video on and off

Please keep in mind that OT is not the same as OT in the JS SDK, the OT in this library refers to the iOS and Android OTSessionManager class.

OTSubscriber Component

Prop Type Required Description
sessionId String No OpenTok Session Id. This is auto populated by wrapping OTSubscriber with OTSession
streamId String No OpenTok Subscriber streamId. This is auto populated inside the OTSubscriber component when streamCreated event is fired from the native session delegate(iOS)/ interface(Android)
properties Object No Properties passed into the native subscriber instance
eventHandlers Object<Function> No Event handlers passed into the native subscriber instance
  • Properties
    • subscribeToAudio (Boolean) — Whether to subscribe to audio.

    • subscribeToVideo (Boolean) — Whether to subscribe video.

The OTSubscriber component will subscribe to a specified stream from a specified session upon mounting. The OTSubscriber component will stop subscribing and unsubscribing when it's unmounting.


If you make changes to the project that you would like to contribute back then please follow the contributing guidelines. All contributions are greatly appreciated!