
A clean, extensible react + redux boilerplate with universal/isomorphic rendering, testing and more

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

Universal Redux Template

A boilerplate doing universal/isomorphic rendering with Redux + React-router + Express, based on Redux-Realword-Example


To bootstrap a React app development environment is not an easy task, there are so many libraries to setup, including webpack, babel, testing stuff and others. I'd like this boilerplate to be a ready-to-use one with the essential tools and the simplest logic that just work to build a universal rendering React + Redux app. That's why there is no fancy stuff in this app, since it's a basis of your killer app rather than a showcase one.

How to use this template?

  • clone this app and name it as whatever your want: $ git clone https://github.com/mz026/universal-redux-template.git my-killer-app

  • remove the .git folder since you won't need the history of this boilerplate: $ cd my-killer-app; rm -rf .git

  • start out a new git history: $ git init

  • Install dependencies: $ npm install

  • Host dev environment and start to build something chaning the world! $ npm start

  • To run the test with Mocha, Enzyme, Sinon and Chai: $ npm test

  • To generate a container/component/action and its tests: $ ./bin/generate <type> <path>

  • To update npm-shrinkwrap: $ npm shrinkwrap --dev

eg: $ ./bin/generate component myNamespace/MyComponent


  • Universal rendering, with async data support
  • Server side redirect
  • Separate vendor and app js files
  • Use Immutable as store data


  • React 15.0.2
  • React-Router 2.4.1
  • Immutable
  • Express as isomorphic server
  • Babel
  • Webpack


Routes Draft:

  • Intro page: {base_url}
  • Question Page: {base_url}/questions

For Windows Users:

npm test:

The single quotes in npm test script surrounding path do not work on Windows, while they're necessary on unix-like machines. Please remove them in scripts.test section in package.json like this:

"test": "NODE_ENV=test NODE_PATH=./app mocha --compilers js:babel-register -r app/spec/support/setup.mocha.js --recursive app/spec/**/*.test.js -w"

(thanks @jbuffin for pointing it out!)


To deploy this app to production environment:

  • Prepare a server with NodeJS environment

  • Use whatever tool to upload this app to server. (Capistrano is a good choice.)

  • Run $ NODE_ENV=production npm install on server

    • After the installation above, postinstall script will run automatically, building front-end related assets under dist/ folder.
  • Kick off the server with:

$ NODE_ENV=production NODE_PATH=./app node app/server

Deploy to Heroku

To deploy this app to heroku,

  • Set up heroku git remote url
  • Set API_BASE_URL to heroku config var. (without trailing slash)

Here's a sample deployed to heroku: https://redux-template-test.herokuapp.com/ For this case, the API_BASE_URL mention above would be https://redux-template-test.herokuapp.com
