
our task for week4's saturday

Primary LanguagePython

##Zoo (week 4's saturday is teamwork day again :))

###We'll be writing a program that will (hopefully) simulate the live going on in the zoo. Here are descriptions of the classes you should have to complete the task, but of course you're free to add more if you feel you'll need to.
There is also a database file that has a table with possible animals, which you should use too ^^

#####class Animal should have:

  • species
  • age
  • name (because zoo animals have names ^^)
  • gender
  • weight

An animal can grow (increase its weight and age), can eat (consume food). It also has increased chance of dying when getting older (nearer to the average life expectancy = higher chance).

#####class Zoo should have:

  • animals, of course
  • capacity (how many animals can it accommodate)
  • budget (the money it has at the moment)

The zoo can accommodate an animal, it has daily incomes depending on how much animals it has (the more animals it has, the more interesting it will be to go into that zoo, right?) and daily outcomes depending on how much do the animals eat (every food has its price) (and, sadly, sometimes animals happen to die :/). Also, our animals reproduce half an year (6 months) after their gestation period is over.

#####How an animal is born: If a male and a female of the same species are present, after gestation period a new animal is born. After an animal is born, after 6 months the female is ready to reproduce again. There's only one baby animal which gender is 50/50 chance to be male or female.

an animal brings 60$ back to the zoo per day
one kilo meat costs 4$
one kilo grass, foliage or bamboo costs 2$

#####We wrote for you a database with animals (check it with sqlitebrowser, if you still don't have it, now's the time :)) which you can (should/must) use to write your classes. The table contains the following columns:

  • species (for example, a tiger)
  • life expectancy - how long is the species expected to live
  • food type - a carnivore (eats meat) or a herbivore (eats grass, etc.)
  • gestation period - how long does the female carry the baby (in months)
  • newborn and average weight (in kilos)
  • weight/age ratio - how much does the species grow for a month 'till average weight (when the species gets to average weight, it stops growing)
  • food/weight ratio - how much does the species eat (in kilos) per weight (also in kilos)

The ages in the table are in months

You should have the following interface to communicate with the written program:

see_animals - prints all animals in the zoo in the following format: <name> : <species>, <age>, <weight>

accommodate <species> <name> <age> <weight> - adds an animal to the zoo

move_to_habitat <species> <name> - removes an animal from the zoo and returns it to it's natural habitat

simulate <interval_of_time> <period> where: <interval_of_time> is 'days', 'weeks', 'months' or 'years' and <period> is a number.

For every <interval_of_time> the program should print the current state of the zoo:

  • list the animals stats (in the format above)
  • prints if an animal has died
  • prints if an animal has been born
  • prints if the zoo doesn't have enough budget to pay for the food

Good luck!

And don't forget the three things we're trying to code with:

  • test driven development
  • objected oriented programming
  • databases