
an interpreter for lambda calculus

Primary LanguagePrologMIT LicenseMIT

λ-προ is an interpreter for lambda calculus

Currently implemented features:

  • convert between user-friendly strings, λ-terms and de Bruijn terms which use de Bruijn indices
  • read-evaluate loop:
    • λ-term reading and printing
    • β- and η- reductions
    • α-equivalence checking (for already defined terms)
  • load λ-terms from a file

How to use:

Install a version of SWI-Prolog.

$ make test    # run the test suite
$ make         # build the λ-προ executable
$ ./lambda-pro # start the λ-προ repl
λ-προ: quit    % exit the λ-προ repl

What is a λ-term?

<λ-term> ::= <λ-abstraction> | <application> | <variable> | (<λ-term>)
<λ-abstraction> ::= <variable>. <λ-term>
<application> ::= <λ-term> <λ-term>
<variable> ::= s where s ∈ Σ⁺

Knowing that, you can define λ-terms in the repl:

λ-προ: x. x x
f0 = x. x x
λ-προ: x. y. x
f1 = x. y. x
λ-προ: x. y. y
f2 = x. y. y

Showing the names in the current environment is done like that:

λ-προ: env
f0 = x. x x
f1 = x. y. x
f2 = x. y. y

It's possible to show de Bruijn indices of a λ-term:

λ-προ: f0?
f0 = x. x x
λ 0 0

And reference other terms by name:

λ-προ: f0 f0
f3 = f0 f0

Or give custom names to terms:

λ-προ: c3 = f. x. f (f (f x))
c3 = f. x. f (f (f x))

You can see a single step of β-reduction:

λ-προ: beta f3
f4 = (x. x x) (x. x x)

Or a single step of η-reduction:

λ-προ: x. y. x y
f5 = x. y. x y
λ-προ: eta f5
f6 = x. x

Or check for α-equivalence of λ-terms:

λ-προ: x. x y
f7 = x. x y
λ-προ: u. u v
f8 = u. u v
λ-προ: u. v u
f9 = u. v u
λ-προ: f7 == f8
x. x y =α= u. u v ?
λ-προ: f8 == f9
u. u v =α= u. v u ?

There are also transitive and reflexive closures for the reductions:

λ-προ: beta* c3 succ zero
f10 = succ (succ (succ zero))
λ-προ: x. y. z. x y z
f11 = x. y. z. x y z
λ-προ: eta* f11
f12 = x. x

You can also load a file with defined λ-terms (see this one for example):

λ-προ: load church.lpro
λ-προ: K*?
K* = x. y. y
λ λ 0


If you want to play with some of the predicates in swipl:

$ swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog
?- [load]. % load some predicates into swipl

?- halt.