Update for explaination of these simple code 2017-3
This is some samples of design a simple website with PHP.
It's not cool, just my PHP learning progress. If you are not interested in simple samples or PHP, ignore this.
1. Put all php files into your apache library.
The default is: WebServer/Document
2. Open hw3.php first.
For example, open /localhost/hw3.php
——————————————————————search function————————————————————————
3. Input the information you want to search.
If you don’t input the customer name, you can search but you cannot make a book. Make sure you enter valid information, if not, you will search nothing or book nothing.
———————————————————————book function—————————————————————————
Make sure you enter valid date and username, if not ,you will not book. Click book button if it shows” book successfully” it works. If it shows any other error, you need to check the information you input. You are allowed to book once a time, if you need to book other one, reopen”hw3.php” and search and make a book.
You must input customer name that already sign up. If you do not have username, you need to email me to create your username.