English | 中文
PrettyZoo is a GUI for Zookeeper created by JavaFX and Apache Curator Framework.
You can download and install at Release, support
- Windows (msi)
- Mac (dmg)
- Linux (rpm & deb)
you can see the solution in issue-219
- run the follow command
sudo spctl --master-disable
- open System Preferences->Security & Privacy, select anywhere
- run the follow command
xattr -rc /Applications/prettyZoo.app
- Enjoy it
If you want to configure system properties for zookeeper, you could creat zookeeper.file
- mac:
{{ user.home }}/.prettyZoo/zookeeper.properties
- wind:
{{ user.home }}/.prettyZoo/zookeeper.properties
- linux:
{{ user.home }}/.prettyZoo/zookeeper.properties
such as follow content
prettyZoo will load and set it to system properties when application start
note: the
will work for all server.
- Support i18n (V1.9.0+)
- terminal highlight
- global font size change (v1.6.0+)
- node data highlight (V1.7.0+)
- migration UI library to Jfoenix ( V1.8.0+)
- zookeeper monitor
- log dashboard (v1.9.3)
- Multi zookeeper server manage
- Support real-time node synchronize
- Support ACL
- Support SSH tunnel
- Support config export / import
- Support node create / search / update / delete
- Support terminal operation
- Support JSON / XML data pretty format
- Support node data hightlight ( Json / Xml / Properties )
- Support reconnet zookeeper automatic
See wiki: build yourself
By wechat sponsor code
- over view
- server info
- node data highlight
- node info
- node add
- node search
- terminal
- 4-letter