
Evaluation test for the Google Summer of Code 2018 project "Faster Matrix Algebra for ATLAS" hosted by CERN-HSF

Primary LanguageC++

Google Summer of Code 2018 - Faster Matrix Algebra for ATLAS

This repository contains a very first draft for an efficient implementation of symmetric matrices using the C++ library Eigen. More information about the project and the design of the contained class SymmetricMatrix can be found in the project documentation that can be build using make doc-proj.


The repository is structured as follows

├── README.markdown             
├── makefile                 
├── doc     
|   ├── doxygen
│   │   ├── Doxyfile
│   │   └── mainpage.dox   
│   ├── latex
│   │   └── Project.tex
│   └── img
├── include
│   ├── SymmetricMatrix.h
│   └── eigen3
├── benchmark
│   ├── add_fixed.cc
│   ├── add_dynamic.cc
│   ├── mult_fixed.cc
│   └── mult_dynamic.cc
├── examples
│   ├── example1.cc
│   ├── example2.cc
│   ├── example3.cc
│   ├── example4.cc
│   └── example5.cc
└── bin

How to build

The SymmetricMatrix class is header only, therefore you can just include the file ./include/SymmatricMatrix.h and give it a try. Since this is an experimental project, Eigen is included in the ./include directory. There is no need to have it in one of your include directories. Actually you can build everything except the Google benchmarks with nothing installed but a compiler that supports C++11. If you want to build any of the code example contained in the repository by hand, make sure you add ./include to your include path using, e.g., g++ -std=c++11 -I include source.cc.

Using GNU Make you can build the contained examples, benchmarks, tests and the documentation. The following make directives are available:

all                 Builds everything except documentation
example             Builds the examples
benchmark           Builds the benchmarks using Google's benchmark library
test                Builds tests
doc-code            Builds the Doxygen documentation of SymmetricMatrix as HTML
doc-proj            Builds documentation about the project and its design as PDF
clean               Removes built executables and documentation

E.g., running make example builds all files contained in ./examples in ./bin.

The make directives make doc-code and make doc-proj create symbolic links in the directory root called SymmetricMatrix.html and Project.pdf.


To build examples, benchmarks and tests a C++ compiler that supports C++11 is required. As default compiler gcc is chosen but you can change the makefile to other compilers like clang or icc.

To build the Google benchmarks you need to ensure that the corresponding library and headers are available. See here for further information about the Google benchmark library.

To build the Doxygen documentation of the SymmetricMatrix class Doxygen must be installed. See here for further information about Doxygen.

To build the project documentation pdflatex is required. See here for further information about pdflatex.


Several examples that demonstrate all available features of the SymmetricMatrix class can be found in ./example. In detail the following topics are covered:

Example 1

  • Construct an instance of SymmetricMatrix from an instance of Eigen::Matrix (fixed size)
  • Print an instance of SymmetricMatrix into console
  • Test if an instance of Eigen::Matrix is symmetric
  • Access elements of the symmetric matrix directly and change their value

Example 2

  • Difference between matrices with fixed and with dynamic size
  • Typedefs for several classes of class template SymmetricMatrix
  • Constructing symmetric matrices filled with random values

Example 3

  • Addition and subtraction for two instances of symmetric matrix
  • Addition and subtraction for symmetric matrices and arbitrary matrices

Example 4

  • Multiplication for two instances of symmetric matrix
  • Multiplication of symmetric and arbitrary matrices

Example 5

  • Runtime exceptions and compile-time errors


If the Google benchmark library is installed the following benchmarks can be run. Since benchmarking is a complex task this repository does not contain standalone benchmarks. They would most likely provide unreliable results.

Note that using the makefile requires the Google benchmark header to be contained in one of your include paths. If not so, change the makefile or try to compile the benchmarks by hand.

All benchmark results including their graphical representations can be found in the project documentation.

add_fixed.cc: Measures the time consumption of addition of instances of SymmetricMatrix and Eigen::Matrix for several fixed dimensions using the Google benchmark library.

add_dynamic.cc: Measures the time consumption of addition of instances of SymmetricMatrix and Eigen::Matrix for several dynamic dimensions using the Google benchmark library.

mult_fixed.cc: Measures the time consumption of multiplication of instances of SymmetricMatrix and Eigen::Matrix for several fixed dimensions using the Google benchmark library.

mult_dynamic.cc: Measures the time consumption of multiplication of instances of SymmetricMatrix and Eigen::Matrix for several dynamic dimensions using the Google benchmark library.


All tests work by first constructing an instance of Eigen::Matrix, make sure that this instance is symmetric and constructing instances of SymmetricMatrix by passing the constructed Eigen::Matrix. Then any operation is performed for both the SymmetricMatrix and the Eigen::Matrix. If both operations yield the same result, the test is passed. In fact the all tests check if instances of SymmetricMatrix behave like semantically identical instances of Eigen::Matrix.

These four tests are included:

fixed_fixed.cc: Tests operations on symmetric matrices of fixed dimension with symmetric matrices of fixed dimension. Several data types and matrix dimensions are tested.

fixed_dynamic.cc: Tests operations on symmetric matrices of fixed dimension with symmetric matrices of dynamic dimension. Several data types and matrix dimensions are tested.

dynamic_dynamic.cc: Tests operations on symmetric matrices of dynamic dimension with symmetric matrices of dynamic dimension. Several data types and matrix dimensions are tested.

exception.cc: Tests edge cases that should throw exception.