Boilerplate application for a Python/Flask JWT Backend and a Javascript/React/Redux Front-End with Material UI.
- 0
Get bundle.js error
#45 opened by stevezkw1998 - 2
Build error
#43 opened by magreen-8da - 2
requirements.txt error mysql-connector 2.1.4
#42 opened by chppppp - 4
Documentation Request
#41 opened by chppppp - 0
Mongo DB support
#40 opened by sureshHARDIYA - 0
Add new component to material UI library
#39 opened by Gunawan888 - 2
- 0
How to set up code-splitting?
#37 opened by cheremovsky - 2
Python 3.6+ Support
#35 opened by thomasjfox1 - 0
Prod Config versus Dev webpack config errors
#34 opened by Hudsonzp - 0
- 10
`npm install` on heroku
#15 opened by jonchoi - 1
Apache2 Deployment
#33 opened by kylefrost - 0
Google OAuth
#32 opened by cinjon - 1
404 errors
#31 opened by skeebuzz - 1
Add a testing example
#22 opened by leconteur - 3
Invalid Salt
#26 opened by mmdonaldson - 1
python-dev required info in README
#14 opened by alexcybernetic - 1
Heroku building /dist
#23 opened by imecimore - 1
1050, "Table 'user' already exists"
#24 opened by Volodymyrk - 4
Use admin-on-rest
#12 opened by fzaninotto - 2
- 4
Register Error: undefined undefined
#16 opened by ccfiel - 4
Broken link in `requirements.txt`
#13 opened by jonchoi - 2
No dist dir
#8 opened by adred - 3
- 4
Why is there an express server in static?
#5 opened by ZeroEcks - 0
why do you need to export database_url
#2 opened by despagito