
disassembled source code for mygov.aadhaar.ekyc

Primary LanguageJava


This is the disassembled source code for the mygov.aadhaar.ekyc application.

APK source: https://apkpure.com/aadhaar-ekyc-verification/mygov.aadhaar.ekyc

APK SHA1=c7f79e4c26339e85a90e582a73b2d9b06c3d3567

The dissasembly pipeline is:

  1. APK->JAR using both enjarify and dex2jar
  2. JAR dissassembled using jd-gui

The current HEAD does not contain any third-party classes, only what is in the mygov.aadhaar.ekyc package. If you are looking for them, checkout the first commit of the repo.