
Redone and updated NET-150 Tech Journal

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I certify that this is entirely my own work, except where I have given fully-documented references to the work of others. I understand the definition and consequences of plagiarism and acknowledge that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:

  • Reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another member of academic
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Course Information

Course Name: Network Fundamentals

Course Number: NET-150

Professor: Jason Reeves

Semester: Spring 2021

Student Name: David Thomsen

REPO Description

This course repository provides the work completed and assignments given during Network Fundamentals, taught by Professor Reeves. It includes essential information about the course, such as its description, objectives, and required materials. Please read through this document to familiarize yourself with the course content and expectations.

Course Description

Students will be introduced to networking technology and the integral part it plays in business and society. Organizations expect the communication in information systems will be reliable, effective, and secure. Topics include network protocols, services, and topologies, information security, high-speed LAN/WAN topologies, client-server technology, security vulnerabilities, network troubleshooting


Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

Students will gain factual, conceptual, and applied knowledge regarding:

  • network communications
  • security
  • technology evolution
  • infrastructure components
  • management functions
  • business processes
  • design issues.