
Computer & Network Security

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Course Information

Course Name: Computer and Network Security

Course Number: SEC-250

Professor: Joseph Letourneau

Semester: Spring 2021

Student Name: David Thomsen

REPO Description

This course repository provides the work completed and assignments given during Computer and Network Security, taught by Professor Letourneau. It includes essential information about the course, such as its description, objectives, and required materials. Please read through this document to familiarize yourself with the course content and expectations.

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to computer and data network security. Students will examine the rationale and necessity for securing computer systems and data networks, as well as methodologies for implementing security, security policies, best current practices, testing security, and incident response.


Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of hardening servers, hosts and networks
  • Comprehend various system, network and data threats and risks
  • Understand common vulnerabilities, attack patterns and defenses
  • Explore cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure fundamentals
  • Demonstrate how to detect and reduce threats in Web security
  • Evaluate access control frameworks
  • Perform a vulnerability assessment
  • Explore technical and process compensating controls