
Information Assurance

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Course Information

Course Name: Information Assurance

Course Number: SEC-345

Professor: LaKysha Patnode

Semester: Fall 2023

Student Name: David Thomsen

REPO Description

This course repository provides the work completed and assignments given during Information Assurance, taught by Professor LaKysha Patnode. It includes essential information about the course, such as its description, objectives, and required materials. Please read through this document to familiarize yourself with the course content and expectations.

Course Description

Students will gain a global and comprehensive understanding of information assurance. We will discuss international information assurance issues, information assurance models, security architectures, risk assessment, incident response cryptography, government and business guidelines and criteria, compliance, audits, business continuity, and disaster recovery. We will examine the inter-relationships between these topics and the goal of achieving a balance between information assurance and systems performance.


Students will:

  • Analyze the information assurance (IA) context
  • Demonstrate an understanding of threats, vulnerabilities and strategic countermeasures in a variety of contexts
  • Describe the system services and strategies that implement IA
  • Understand the life cycle for IA in an organizational context
  • Analyze and design IA policies and plans
  • Instantiate organizational goals through IA policy and plans
  • Actualize the information assurance life cycle through IA planning
  • Understand the human factors affecting the validity of IA policy and plans
  • Address legal and ethical issues related to IA
  • Apply the principles of management
  • Understand the role of risk management in IA decision making
  • Develop the ability and skills to maintain currency in IA
  • Appreciate the concepts of information privacy and accountability
  • Understand the relationship between people and IA practices and technology