Rock Paper Scissors (Stein, Papier, Schere)

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.0.

This project uses Angular 4.0.0

See the game in action

Click the link to see it on Github-Pages:

Purpose of this app

It's a coding Kata to show my skills in certain topics (JS, Angular, TDD, ...).

The Game - a short description

Taken from Wikipdedia (–paper–scissors)

Rock–paper–scissors or Scissor-Paper-Rock, is a zero-sum hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "rock" (✊ a simple fist), "paper" (✋ a flat hand), and "scissors" (✌️ a fist with the index and middle fingers together forming a V). The game has only two possible outcomes other than a tie: a player who decides to play rock will beat another player who has chosen scissors ("rock crushes scissors") but will lose to one who has played paper ("paper covers rock"); a play of paper will lose to a play of scissors ("scissors cut paper"). If both players choose the same shape, the game is tied and is usually immediately replayed to break the tie.

Non-functional requirements

  1. For opening and checking the functionality the project shouldn't have to be deployed to an external server.
  2. The should be able to build via a standard tooling like Webpack, Grunt, Gulp, NPM, (...).
  3. Starting the should possible instantly with a command like npm start (in the case of this app run the command ng serve -o).
  4. The game works well.
  5. Minimal UI (no CSS required, only HTML)

Functional requirements

  1. Implementation: ES5, ES 2016/2016 or TypeScript and if applicable a framework like AngularJS, Angular, Meteor (else?) or a library like React.
  2. The user has to do an input for playing the game.

Downloading and installing the app

  1. Change into the main directory of the app folder and run npm i for installing the required node modules and dependencies.
  2. For working on this app it is required to have the current version of Angular-CLI ( installed globally!

Starting the server for running the app

  1. Run ng serve -o in the main directory of the app folder (because of the flag '-o' it'll open instantly in a browser window).
  2. The Game then will be served on http://localhost:4200 on an NG Live Development Server.

Setting the base tag for a sub-folder on a webserver at build time:

For running a build version on a server Angular is prepared for the main directory on the server. Running it on a subdirectory requires to set the base tag to the desired sub-folder in the index file by running the build command with the according option like so:

Usage: ng build --base-href <base>

  • or ng build --base-href /myUrl/
  • or ng build --bh /myUrl/
  • or ng build --prod --bh /myUrl/

Example: ng build --base-href home

Replaces <base href="/"> with <base href="/home"> in index.html

Running the tests:

The specs and suits are written for use of Jasmine (used in this app: v2.5.2) and Karma (used in this app: v1.6.0). It is good to know,that there are some issues with interferences between test so that not all suits can be enabled during a test run. It is a good idea to have these specific test disabled.

To start the test run type: ng test

PERFORMANCE TIP: Improving performance for test cycles: The standard call for the test is ng test but this leads to a slow pace of the test cycles. turning off the source maps makes it fast as a flash For turning off the source maps call ng test --sourcemaps=false

Another way to speed-up the testing is to set a focus to only one spec or suite with using fdescribe() or fit(). Or with turning off several suites with xdescribe().

The speed issue is under observation and there are already some fixes. Maybe a new version of the cli will get big improvements. For following the issue ticket on github see "Test development cycle is slow unless sourcemaps are turned off#5423".

Some test suites or specs are disabled because of interferences between some tests.

Generate a test coverage report

Run the command ng test --code-coverage --reporters=coverage-istanbul. It takes a while but than a good overview for test coverage is generated in a folder called 'coverage'. With this coverage documentation it is easy to figure out which parts of the app are not covered by unit tests.

Actual test coverage: 100% :-)



The game app has a more or less individual styling on top of Angular Material 2. But if you want you can also download an un-styled version from branch "without_styling". But I think it is not the 'story' because routing was implemented with styling. So the entrance page (home) will maybe not be available. But on that page you miss only a headline and a button. ;)

Please keep in mind the app styling is only for showing how this game could look more like a game but is has no responsiveness.


A router is implemented to navigate from the entrance page to the game. It is only a simple routerLink navigation.


  • Switched to SASS
  • Cleaning-up styles and styling
  • Added TypeDoc for code documentation ( - note: this tool is also helpfull to check the code for missing typings (in this app there are many void and any - have to change that time by time)

Deploy to Github-Pages

I installed a tool named ng-deploy-gh-pages since the Angular-CLI removed deploy to github-pages from the cli.

How to run it:

  • (if not already installed: npm install ng-deploy-gh-pages --save-dev)
  • Add script in package.json "deploy": "./node_modules/.bin/deploy"
  • npm run deploy

Further information: ng-deploy-gh-pages on Github

Some insights about ideas for implementation

Ideas for implementing the logic

1. idea: game as array

The idea is, that all game pieces are following in a line. the first will be beaten by the second, the second by the third, the third by the first. In other words like this:



0 by 1 by 2 by 3 by 0   =   [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]

With this the implementation of deciding the winner it might be do it with two if's:

let order = [0, 1, 2, 0]

if (order[player] === order[computer]) {
  // TIE!
} else if (order[player] === order[computer + 1]) {
} else {

If the list gets longer: MATCH by ROCK by PAPER by SCISSORS by FOUNTAIN by MATCH is will work as well. But then there is a second lane to be considered too: MATCH by SCISSORS by FOUNTAIN and in that case it would lead to a third if statement:

1 = ROCK

let order = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0]

if (order[player] === order[computer]) {
  // TIE!
} else if (order[player] === order[computer + 1]) {
} else if (order[player] === order[computer + 2]) {
} else {
/**  because the player also wins with the difference of 2 (before addition of 1)  **/

But here is a little problem, if the computer choses MATCH and the player chooses PAPER, normally the computer would win. But not with this three if's. There's another if necessary and then the code will get messy and unclear. The solution could be to find a way calculate the worth of a game and put it in a switch statement - see second idea.

This is how the implementation of the logic to find the winner could look like:

let order = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0];

constructor() {
  this.choose(0, 2);

choose(player: number, computer: number) {
  if (this.order[player] === this.order[computer]) {
    return 'The game is tied.';
  if (this.order[player] === this.order[computer + 1]) {
    return 'Player won!';
  if (this.order[player] === this.order[computer + 2]) {
    return 'Player won!';
  } else {
    return 'Computer won!'

2. idea: the value of a game

Every piece has a number. Adding two number makes the value of the game. Every value stands as a code for a winner according to that pair. To implement it a switch statement will be the way:

Example 1: for three game pieces:

Rock      = 1
Paper     = 2
Scissors  = 3

Game pair A -> 1 (Rock) + 2 (Paper)     = 3 (winner Paper) 
Game pair B -> 2 (Paper) + 3 (Scissors) = 5 (winner Scissors)
Game pair C -> 3 (Scissors) + 1 (Rock)  = 4 (winner Rock)

This makes 3 cases plus a tie game.

Example 2: would the list of pieces be added by two new pieces, it the pairing would be this:

Rock     = 1
Paper    = 2
Scissors = 3
Fountain = 5    // higher numbers taken for
Match    = 9    // not having doubles in addition

Game pair A -> 1 (Rock) + 2 (Paper)         = 3 (winner Paper) 
Game pair B -> 2 (Paper) + 3 (Scissors)     = 5 (winner Scissors)
Game pair C -> 3 (Scissors) + 1 (Rock)      = 4 (winner Rock)

Game pair D -> 3 (Scissors) + 5 (Fountain)  = 8  (winner Fountain)
Game pair E -> 3 (Scissors) + 9 (Match)     = 12 (winner Scissors)
Game pair F -> 2 (Paper) + 5 (Fountain)     = 7  (winner Paper)
Game pair G -> 2 (Paper) + 9 (Match)        = 11 (winner Match)
Game pair H -> 1 (Rock) + 5 (Fountain)      = 6  (winner Rock)
Game pair H -> 1 (Rock) + 9 (Match)         = 10 (winner Rock)

This would make 9 cases plus one tie game. 

Example 3: making the list even longer by two additional pieces (it's getting complicated):

(This is not a serious version, only for finding additional numbers)

Rock     = 1    // beats Lizard, Scissors, Match
Paper    = 2    // beats Rock, Spock, Fountain
Scissors = 3    // beats Lizard, Paper, Match
              // gap: 2
Fountain = 5    // beats Rock, Scissors, Lizard
              // gap: 4
Match    = 9    // beats Paper, Fountain, Spock
              // gap: 6
Lizard   = 15   // beats Spock, Paper, Match
              // gap: 8
Spock    = 23   // beats Scissors, Rock, Fountain

The gaps where manually tried out but now there's a rule visible. The gap between each number after the first three increases by 2.

Game pair A -> 1 (Rock) + 2 (Paper)         = 3 (winner Paper) 
Game pair B -> 2 (Paper) + 3 (Scissors)     = 5 (winner Scissors)
Game pair C -> 3 (Scissors) + 1 (Rock)      = 4 (winner Rock)

Game pair D -> 3 (Scissors) + 5 (Fountain)  = 8  (winner Fountain)
Game pair E -> 3 (Scissors) + 9 (Match)     = 12 (winner Scissors)
Game pair F -> 3 (Scissors) + 15 (Lizard)   = 18 (winner Scissors)
Game pair G -> 3 (Scissors) + 23 (Spock)    = 26 (winner Spock)
Game pair H -> 2 (Paper) + 5 (Fountain)     = 7  (winner Paper)
Game pair I -> 2 (Paper) + 9 (Match)        = 11 (winner Match)
Game pair J -> 2 (Paper) + 15 (Lizard)      = 17 (winner Lizard)
Game pair K -> 2 (Paper) + 23 (Spock)       = 25 (winner Paper)
Game pair L -> 1 (Rock) + 5 (Fountain)      = 6  (winner Rock)
Game pair M -> 1 (Rock) + 9 (Match)         = 10 (winner Rock)
Game pair N -> 1 (Rock) + 15 (Lizard)       = 16 (winner Rock)
Game pair O -> 1 (Rock) + 23 (Spock)        = 24 (winner Spock)
Game pair P -> 5 (Fountain) + 15 (Lizard)   = 20 (winner Fountain)
Game pair Q -> 5 (Fountain) + 23 (Spock)    = 28 (winner Spock)

This would make 17 cases plus one tie game. 

The advantage of idea 2 is this pairing is that the list can be endless (ok, the code for each pair would be endless too ;-) )

The implementation for example 1:

switch (valueOfPair) {
  case 3:
    win = "paper"
    if (player === win) { 
      return 'Player won!';
    return 'Computer won';
  case 5:
    win = "scissors"
    if (player = win) {
      return 'Player won!';
    return 'Computer won';
  case 4:
    win = "rock"
    if (player = win) {
      return 'Player won!';
    return 'Computer won';
    return 'It's a tight game!';

So, my favorite for implementation is idea 2. But with that there is also a drawback: I'm not sure if the rule of increasing the number for each piece by 2 really works with a longer list or even endless list. But that's not the purpose of this app.

Text from original README file to Angular Cli

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class/module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.