
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Linked List

Notes and simple implementation and tests for linked lists and doubly linked list.

See solutions branch for implementation.

See dting.github.io/linkedlists to see tests run.

Why use linked lists over arrays? Why not?

  • Arrays

    • Arrays require contigous chunks of memory to be allocated.

    • Insert at front or middle of array is linear time, O(n). Each element needs to be shifted over before insert.

      [ 1, 2, 3, _ ]
      [ 1, 2, _, 3 ]
      [ 1, _, 2, 3 ]
      [ _, 1, 2, 3 ]
      [ 4, 1, 2, 3 ]
    • Insert at end of (dynamic) array is amortized constant time, O(1).

      • O(1) when array is not full.

        [ 1, 2, 3, _ ]
        [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
      • When an array is full, elements in the array are moved to a larger array (usually significantly larger in size so this operation doesn't have to happen often). If we double the size of the array everytime it needs to grow, this takes k time, where k is number of elements in the array. However this only happens once every k inserts so it is O(k/k) or amortized O(1) per insert.

        [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
        [ _, 2, 3, 4 ] ... [ 1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _]
        [ _, _, 3, 4 ] ... [ 1, 2, _, _, _, _, _, _]
        [ _, _, _, 4 ] ... [ 1, 2, 3, _, _, _, _, _]
        [ _, _, _, _ ] ... [ 1, 2, 3, 4, _, _, _, _]
                       ... [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, _, _, _]
    • Random access, get(index) is O(1).

    • No memory overhead per element for next/prev references.

  • Linked List

    • Allow for adding to front in O(1).
    • Allow for adding to end in O(1), if tail reference is kept.
    • No resizing operations.
    • No random access, get(index) is O(n).
    • Memory overhead for storing next (and prev for doubly linked) reference per element.

Linked List


[ 1    ]
[ next ] -> null

[ 1    ]
[ next ] -> [ 2    ]
            [ next ] -> null

[ 1    ]
[ next ] -> [ 2    ]
            [ next ] -> [ 3    ]
                        [ next ] -> null

Doubly Linked List


null <- [ prev ]
        [ 1    ]
        [ next ] -> null

null <- [ prev ]     (tail)
        [ 1    ] <- [ prev ]
        [ next ] -> [ 2    ]
                    [ next ] -> null

null <- [ prev ]
        [ 1    ] <- [ prev ]     (tail)
        [ next ] -> [ 2    ] <- [ prev ]
                    [ next ] -> [ 3    ]
                                [ next ] -> null