
Rails movie theater app

Primary LanguageRuby

Movie Mansion


Movie Mansion is a simple web application built with Rails 5.0.1. The goal of this project was to build a website for a movie theater so it can sell tickets online.

Live Version

You can find a live version of this application hosted on Heroku here.


To set up a local copy of this project, perform the following:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/dtinianow/movie-mansion
  2. cd into the project's directory
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Run bundle exec rake db:{create,migrate,seed} to set up the postgres database and seed it.
  5. Run the application in the dev environment by running rails s
  6. Visit http://localhost:3000/


Booking a Showtime

The main purpose of the site is allow users to book a movie showtime. A user can purchase one ticket for a showtime. Once a user places an order, a confirmation email is sent to them.

A user can search for movies and showtimes on a specific date by entering the date as a parameter in the URL, like so: https://movie-mansion.herokuapp.com/showtimes?date=mm/dd/yyyy. If a user does not enter a date in the URL, the site will default to showing today's movie listings.

Note: Do NOT enter your real credit card information! The system will validate that the number you enter is legitimate, but it is not secure!


The site gives the admin the ability to manage existing auditoriums, create new auditoriums, create new movies, view all orders completed, and view all orders made for a specific movie. Adding the ability to manage showtimes is a work in progress. Currently, there is no authentication, so a user simply needs to visit https://movie-mansion.herokuapp.com/admin to gain access to these admin capabilities.

Test Suite

The test suite tests the application on multiple levels. To run all of the tests, run rspec from the terminal in the main directory of the project. The feature tests (integration tests) rely mainly on the capybara gem for navigating the various application views.


This application depends on many ruby gems, all of which are found in the Gemfile and can be installed by running bundle install from the terminal in the main directory of the project.


I began to build this application by first laying out a database schema using this website. I then drew out rough wireframes for the most important pages of the application. Once that was complete, I used TDD to build out the application's functionality. I broke down each of the requirements listed into a user story that could be written as a feature test. Once the test was written, I followed the errors it gave me to help build out the feature.

I tried to adhere to the single responsibility principle and notion of skinny controllers/fat models. After getting each feature to work, I would refactor whenever possible. There is still plenty of room for refactoring in the application, as well as many edge cases that demand a closer look. This is the first and most simple iteration of the application.