It's a raspberry pi based smart calendar that can tell you the current date, weather, and your events on Google calendar. Updates once per hour. Also supports manual update with a press of button.
- Raspberry pi (2 or 3 or zero) and SD card (with OS installed)
- EInk display: Waveshare 7.5 inch black and white display
- A 7.5 inch photo frame
- A pushbutton
- An LED
- 330 Ohm resistor
- Breadboard
pip install -r requirements.txt
Also make sure you have at least Python 3.5 installed.
- OWM API key:
- Go to the Weather API page: link
- Subscribe to 5 day / 3 hour forecast
- Google credentials:
- Follow the instructions of this answer on stackoverflow.
- Instead of choosing the drive API, choose Calendar API v3 of scope
- We will need the client ID, client secrete, refresh token and access token
Or download diagram.fzz. Note that the labeling on the breadboard corresponds to the wires on the hat comes with the screen. The wiring is the same as on page 12 of the official documentation
without any parameter to create the config file:
and follow the interact guide to create the config file.
You can specify the config file for later runs as:
python3 -c <config file path>