
Handle many API calls from a single HTTP request

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Travis CI build status GitHub license Latest Version

Batch multiple requests at the http layer. Flask-Batch is inpsired by how google cloud storage does batching.

It adds a /batch route to your API which can execute batched HTTP requests against your API server side. The client wraps several requests in a single request using the multipart/mixed content type.


pip install Flask-Batch

# to include the dependencies for the batching client
pip install Flask-Batch[client]

Getting Started


from flask import Flask
from flask_batch import add_batch_route

app = Flask(__name__)

# that's it!


The client wraps a requests session.

from flask_batch.client import Batching
import json

alice_data = bob_data = {"example": "json"}

with Batching("http://localhost:5000/batch") as s:
    alice = s.patch("/people/alice/", json=alice_data)
    bob = s.patch("/people/bob/", json=bob_data)

alice         # <Response [200]>
alice.json()  # {"response": "json"}

Why Batch?

Often the round-trip-time from a client to a server is high. Batching requests reduces the penalty of a high RTT, without the added complexity of request parallelization.

Batching Done Right

Often API designers will create custom batch endpoints for specific operations. Creating custom API endpoints for performing bulk operations usually end up being clunky. Each one ends up unique. This means more code to maintain, and more bugs.

It can be difficult to reason about bulk json API endpoints. For example, what happens on error? Does the bulk operation fail? continue? roll back?

Batching at the HTTP layer results in clear and expected behaviors that are easy to reason about. HTTP batching simply behaves the same way as all of the individual requests that are sent in the batch.


This project is in alpha. I'm hoping to eventually get it approved as a flask extension.