David McDonald's Top Down Shooter is an online server/client based video game that was created using Game Maker Studio 2. I worked on this project for over a year while working a full-time job. The code was written with an authoritative server model where the server has complete control and clients make requests for actions. The authoritative server model was used to ensure stability and reliability in a real-time game. I spent a fair amount of time commenting the code to make it easier to read for people new to Game Maker Studio 2. I was originally thinking of selling this product but I would rather give it away for free.

Primary LanguageYaccCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Demo Video: https://youtu.be/e8l4p8UpbHk

David McDonald's Top Down Shooter is an online server/client based video game that was created using Game Maker Studio 2. I worked on this project for over a year while working a full-time job. The code was written with an authoritative server model where the server has complete control and clients make requests for actions. The authoritative server model was used to ensure stability and reliability in a real-time game. I spent a fair amount of time commenting the code to make it easier to read for people new to Game Maker Studio 2. I was originally thinking of selling this product but I would rather give it away for free.