
Simple RPA System with Fast-API, OpenCV, Tesseract-OCR and a virtual display

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This project is a basic RPA system that uses Fast API endpoints as a backend for storing action sequences and streams screen data to the React.js frontend project (DM_React)

Docker setup

  1. Docker compose up
       make dcu
  2. To use the pytest tests:
       make tests

Local system setup:

  1. This project uses a virtual xvfb display but if you would like to disable this feature then comment out or remove these from app/core/process_controller.py
    """Virtual display setup has to be setup before pyautogui is imported"""
    import Xlib.display
    from pyvirtualdisplay.display import Display
    disp = Display(visible=True, size=(1920, 1080), backend="xvfb", use_xauth=True)
    """Virtual display"""
    pyautogui._pyautogui_x11._display = Xlib.display.Display(os.environ["DISPLAY"])
  2. Install tesseract-ocr for pytesseract
    sudo apt install tesseract-ocr -y
  3. Install this for pyenchant:
    sudo apt-get install libenchant1c2a -y
  4. Make a new virtual environment and install requirements.txt
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. This terminal commands will run the system on your local system:
    make local


I created two PostgreSQL adapter files with credentials in settings.py. The adapters are not part of the back-end. If you would like to use the PostgreSQL adapters then you need to setup a PostgreDB that match settings.py and connect the adapters to the endpoints. Currently, there is no need for a database but in the future it might be useful.