
personal blog / portfolio

Primary LanguageVue

Gridsome Clean Snow blog theme.

A simple, hackable & minimalistic starter for Gridsome that uses Markdown for content, these theme was built using the gridsome starter blog modified with bootstrap css v4 and inspired by some other themes:


  • Beautiful and simple design.
  • Markdown for content.
  • Tags support.
  • Dark / Light toggle.
  • CSS variables, SCSS & BEM for styling.
  • 100, 100, 100, 100 score on Google Lighthouse.
  • Uses same front-matter fields as Dev.to.

Getting Started With Gridsome

1. Install Gridsome CLI tool if you don't have

npm install --global @gridsome/cli

2. Install this starter

  1. gridsome create my-gridsome-site https://github.com/gridsome/gridsome-starter-blog.git
  2. cd my-gridsome-site to open folder
  3. Happy coding 🎉🙌



gridsome develop

Starts a local dev server accessisble at localhost


Running into node-gyp build issues?

$sudo rm -f $(xcode-select --print-path)     #removes the xcode cli tools path you currently have installed.

$xcode-select --install                      #should force the promt to reinsall CLI tools to appear if it doen't show up automatically.

Add static files in the static folder. Files in this directory will be copied directly to dist folder during build. For example, /static/robots.txt will be located at https://yoursite.com/robots.txt.

This file should be deleted.

if you are going to use node > 16 for development; you have to use the following command to use the legacy ssl for node. export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider