
Macro Expansion on Windows Stable Fails

inspier opened this issue · 1 comments

I am getting error[E0658]: procedural macros cannot be expanded to statements and error[E0658]: procedural macros cannot be expanded to expressions for these two macros respectively only on Windows Stable. Not sure if this is a known limitation, but was just curious.

macro_rules! set {
    ($self:ident, $field:ident, $value:expr) => {
        paste::item! {
            $self.[<set_ $field:snake>]($value)

macro_rules! get {
    ($self:ident, $field:ident) => {
        paste::item! {
            $self.[<get_ $field:snake>]()

Hi @inspier, for an expression (which self.set_field(value) is) you would need to use paste::expr as described in https://github.com/dtolnay/paste#pasting-identifiers.