
Get happy-birthday-wishes right from your Neovim dashboard!

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

🎉 starter-birthday.nvim

A component (and fun Easter egg) for (for now only) mini.starter to display a happy-birthday message when you have your birthday.

mini.starter + my plugin with the date and username configured in demo mode

Table of Contents


  • 🔤 Display a "Happy Birthday"-message on a set date
  • 🌈 Display the text in rainbow
  • 👾 Show an ASCII-art birthday card to the user

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  • ✏️ Neovim >= 0.5.0 or nightly (probably. TODO: bisect exact minimum required commit)
  • 💨 A dashboard plugin

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Guide - ✔️ = Working - 🚧 = WIP - 🕥 = Planned
Plugin Status
mini.starter ✔️
dashboard-nvim 🕥
startup.nvim 🕥

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Using your favourite package manager:

  • packer.nvim
    use {
        requires = { 'dtomvan/starter-birthday.nvim' },
        branch = 'stable',
        config = function()
            require('starter-birthday').setup {
                -- Any options go here
  • lazy.nvim
-- For example in plugins/starter.lua, see https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim#-structuring-your-plugins
return {
        version = '*',
        dependencies = {
            version = '^0.1',
            opts = {
                -- Any options go here

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The default values are:

---@type StarterBirthday.Config
    ---- Required values. If you want to get up and running quickly, just set
    ---- these and you're good to go!

    -- If any key in `date` is `nil`, it will ask you to configure it
    date = {
        -- number|nil defines which day of the month your birthday is on
        day = nil,
         -- number|nil defines which month of the year your birthday is on
        month = nil,

    ---- Optional values. These are more intricate and typically not needed for
    ---- a good experience

    -- string|nil how the default formatters will call you, if nil then it will
    -- try $USER
    username = nil,

    -- string|nil if string, then used in the default section name (or in your
    -- own) to format the month as that locale's full month name (%B)
    locale = nil,

    -- boolean wether to always wish you a happy birthday, even if it isn't the
    -- date that was configured
    demo = false,

    item = {
        -- fun(config: BirthdayConfig): string|nil or string|nil
        -- item's name in mini.starter, if function then it will display the
        -- return value
        name = 'Happy Birthday!',
        -- Section name the item is under, handled the same as `name`
        -- Default: It's the <day>(st|nd|th) of <month>, <username>!
        section = StarterBirthday.section_name,
        rainbow = {
            -- boolean display message with rainbow coloring?
            enabled = true,
            -- table the hl_groups (in order) which make for a rainbow
            hl_groups = {
                -- NOTE: The default highlighting groups are all Neovim built-in
                -- but depending on your colorscheme it might not display accurately
    -- gets displayed when user opens the birthday entry on the dashboard.
    ascii_art = {
        -- boolean enable action?
        enabled = true,
        -- table|string the ASCII art (or any message) to display in a new
        -- buffer
        -- string: split by newline, see table
        -- table: pass directly to `nvim_buf_set_lines`
        -- Pro tip: read a file in your `~/.config/nvim` to a string
        -- For the default: see `lua/starter-birthday/ascii_art.lua`
        text = require('starter-birthday.ascii_art'),
        -- options set in buffer before writing message
        -- see `:h vim.opt_local`
        opts = {
            filetype = 'text',
            number = false,
            relativenumber = false,
            cursorline = false,

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-- Somewhere after the configuring this plugin
-- now the StarterBirthday global table is available.
local starter = require('mini.starter')
local bd = StarterBirthday

starter.setup {
    items = {
        -- TODO: Add support for other dashboard plugins
        bd.items['mini.starter'] {
            -- You can also pass extra configuration options here to override
            -- the "global" settings, since `mini.starter` has support for that
            -- NOTE: Overriding the `rainbow` option will have no effect, as it
            -- only gets handled in the `content_hook`
        -- Any other items go here
    content_hooks = {
        -- Please add this content hook as early as possible, to prevent any
        -- clashing between them. Put it before hooks like:
        -- `MiniStarter.gen_hook.adding_bullet`
        -- You can override the `rainbow` option here with `true` or `false`

-- For more information on how MiniStarter is configured, visit
-- https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.nvim/blob/main/readmes/mini-starter.md
-- Or refer to `:h MiniStarter`

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