NOTE: as of a194ce5
the minimum xplr version is 0.20
due to the usage of xplr.util
- Bash
- Git
- Add the following line in
local home = os.getenv("HOME")
local xpm_path = home .. "/.local/share/xplr/dtomvan/xpm.xplr"
local xpm_url = ""
package.path = package.path
.. ";"
.. xpm_path
.. "/?.lua;"
.. xpm_path
.. "/?/init.lua"
"[ -e '%s' ] || git clone '%s' '%s'",
- Require the module in
-- This works
-- Or this
-- Or this
-- You can also use a field
{ name = "dtomvan/xpm.xplr" },
-- Or
plugins = {
-- Let xpm manage itself
{ name = 'sayanarijit/fzf.xplr' },
auto_install = true,
auto_cleanup = true,
- (optional) Setup key binding for manually managing plugins
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.x = {
help = "xpm",
messages = {
{ SwitchModeCustom = "xpm" },
WARNING: a current limitation is that any repo not ending in .xplr isn't picked up correctly, but by convention the repo's name should end in .xplr
- Automatically downloads and installs plugins
- Pre/post load hooks
- Automatically calls
if possible - Grabs from any git repository
-- Default: {}
plugins = { "dtomvan/xpm.xplr" },
-- Default: true
auto_install = true
-- Default: false
auto_cleanup = false
All available arguments for a plugin are:
-- <in xpm.setup>
-- Default: Skip if empty
-- Default: Skip if empty
name = "<name>",
-- Branch, commit or tag to pin
-- Default: "origin"
rev = "<revision>"
-- Default: empty
after = function() end,
-- Default: empty
before = function() end,
-- Default: require("<name>").setup()
setup = function() end,
-- Default: empty
-- WARNING: if any of the dependencies fail to download, the plugin won't
-- load to prevent from any damage being done
deps = { "dtomvan/xpm.xplr" }