
Telerik Academy final MVC Project

Primary LanguageC#


Web application for posting, reading, voting, and commenting news in various categories.

Application structure

Folder structure

Users and roles

The website offers different accessibility options and functionality for admins, regular users, authors, and visitors. Anyone can browse the site and view the various pages, login and register screens, registered users can rate and comment the news, authors can add news and edit their own news, and administrators can edit all news and comments.

Home screen

All news are displayed at the home page in a pageable grid, also there are top news rated by various criteria in different tabs. Home Screen


The different categories list all the news from the corresponding category, sorted by the publishing time, in a pageable grid.


Comments and likes Articles are displayed with all accompanying info - Title, author, publishing time, comments, rating, options for voting and commenting, as well as a tabstrip with the top-5 articles from the current article category, by various criteria - most read, most liked, latest, etc. Comments and likes

Admin Area

Comments and likes


The site presents the relevant information in an intuitive, easy to use way. The good user experience is enhanced by several Kendo UI Grids, TabStrips and Editors that offer multiple searching, sorting, paging, filtering, and editing options. Every important user action results in a user-friendly success or error notification.