
ClojureScript wrapper for the Tableau Web Data Connector library

Primary LanguageClojure


Clojars Project Build Status

ClojureScript wrapper for the Tableau Web Data Connector library.


This library attempts to simplify development of Tableau Web Data Connectors using ClojureScript.


  1. It is recommended to start by using Leiningen to create a project from the figwheel template:

    lein new figwheel my-new-wdc

  2. Add this library to project.clj

  3. Require it from core.cljs

  4. Create an object that implements the tableau.cljs-wdc.core/IWebDataConnector protocol

  5. Register the connector by calling tableau.cljs-wdc.core/register!

  6. IMPORTANT: index.html should not include a link to tableauwdc.js since it is provided by cljsjs/tableauwdc!

Look at the dhis2-wdc project for an example of a working WDC written using this library.


Copyright © 2017 Tableau

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.