
A small demo with SailsJS for LyonJS meetup. Aggregate tweets from twitter Stream API with tracking tag.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a Sails application made for LyonJS demo.

You just have to do npm install in the repository in order to get all dependencies. You must have last node version (5.10.0) and latest npm version (npm install -g npm@latest) in order to avoid some dependencies bugs.

Inside the repository there are two things to configure : your twitter application keys and the tags to track.

First one is inside config/twitter.js, just change the following:

module.exports.twitter = {
    consumer_key: 'xxxxx',
    consumer_secret: 'xxxxx',
    access_token_key: 'xxxxx',
    access_token_secret: 'xxxxx'

The second is inside api/controllers/TweetController.js, just change '#lyonjs' tag by whatever tags you want to track :

// Set a stream listener for tweets matching tracking keywords
twitterClient.stream('statuses/filter', {
	track: '#lyonjs' --> here : e.g: '#test,lyonjs,games' etc
}, function(stream) {
	streamTweets(stream, Tweet, sails);
	console.log("tweets stream: ", stream);