Export a your Endomondo workouts to TCX files.
The script export.py may be used to backup the complete workout history:
python endomondo2tcx.py
You will be asked for your Endomondo email and password, and then the script will do the rest.
You can insert your credentials in a text file named "endomondo_data.txt" with this content: username password proxy (in case you need it)
- Python 2.6+
- lxml
- requests
To set up the requirements for this project, you can install the dependencies by pip.
First, it's highly recommended to set up a virtualenv:
virtualenv venv --distribute
source ./venv/bin/activate
Then install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements
And you're set!
This is my personal project @dtrillo based on the script created @yannickcarer.