DivvyDOSE Git Profile API

Set up and Run

  1. From the project root folder, create a Python 3.6+ virtual environment
    $ virtualenv --python=python3 env
  2. Activate the virtual environment
    $ source env/bin/activate
  3. Install the project dependencies
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set the FLASK_APP environment variable
    $ export FLASK_APP=api/app.py
  5. Copy the .env.template file to .env, then add GitHub and Bitbucket authentication information
    $ cp .env.template .env
  6. Run the API
    $ flask run
  7. Call the Git profile API with curl
    $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Welcometo2021"
  8. Run the test suite and coverage report
    pytest --cov=. --cov-fail-under=1

API Specification


Authorization - Bearer Welcometo2021

HTTP 200 - Git GitHub and Bitbucket profile
Response Body

    "profile_for": "mailchimp",
    "github_profile": {
        "public_repository_count": 30,
        "forked_repository_count": 3509,
        "watchers_count": 8027,
        "languages": {
            "distinct": [
            "count": 10
        "topics": {
            "distinct": [
            "count": 14
    "bitbucket_profile": {
        "public_repository_count": 10,
        "forked_repository_count": 329,
        "watchers_count": 20,
        "languages": {
            "distinct": [
            "count": 5

HTTP 4** - Client error
HTTP 500 - Server error

Future Enhancements

This project includes a framework for building a test suite in the /tests directory. The test suite is built using the pytest package. There is a test module per module in the /api directory, as well as a module to hold test fixtures in /tests/conftest.py. The test fixtures include a Flask test client. A test suite should be written where there is one unit test per method within the /api directory. A functional test is also required to ensure successful responses are returned from the GitProfileResource GET request handler. Since that endpoint acts as middleware between the Bitbucket and GitHub APIs, a functional test requires additional test fixtures to be written to mock responses from the api.git.resources.profile.GitProfileResource. Integration tests should also be written that make calls to the GitHub and Bitbucket APIs through the /api/git/bitbucket.py and /api/git/github_.py modules. A Dockerfile should also be included so the API can be built as a Docker image. If the API is integrated into a CICD pipeline, the pipeline can run the test suite and coverage report, then build and deploy a Docker image containing the latest commit to different environments.