This is a raspberry pi compatible Chisel DockerFile.
To build it :
docker build --build-arg chisel_version=$chisel_version -t dtroncy/rpi-chisel .
$chisel_version is version of chisel you want to install.
Consult official documentation to use it
- Start your chisel server
docker run \
--name chisel -p 9312:9312 \
-d --restart always \
dtroncy/rpi-chisel server -p 9312 --socks5 --key supersecret
- Connect your chisel client (using server's fingerprint)
chisel client --fingerprint ab:12:34 server-address:9312 socks
- Point your SOCKS5 clients (e.g. OS/Browser) to:
- Now you have an encrypted, authenticated SOCKS5 connection over HTTP