Boris Bikes- badge Maintainability

The hunnies

Douglas Farnaz Mario Jodi Sonny


Clone from here.


Simply visit here

This is what our game looks like:


User Stories/Features

Main Menu

As a User
So that I can play a well presented game
I want a fun main menu

Buy and place docking station

As a User
So that people can rent bikes
I want to be able to buy a docking station and put it on the map
As a User
So that people can drop off bikes
I want a person to be able to put a scooter back in a station
As a User
So that docking stations don't create infinite vehicles
I want each docking station to have a capacity, a person can't get a scooter from an empty docking station
As a User
So that docking stations can store more bikes
I want to be able to increase the capacity of individual docking stations
As a User
So that I know what docking stations need upgrading
I want to be able to see when a docking station is empty or full
As a User
So that I know where I can place a docking station
I want those tiles to light up when I buy a docking station


As a User
So that I can tell how well I'm doing
I want to be able to see what my balance is
As a User
So that the game is challenging
I want to only be able to buy docking stations I can afford
As a User
So that I can get an quick overview of my world
I want to be able to see how many people there are, and how many are on bikes


As a User
So that the game is realistic
I want to people to move towards their destination
As a User
So that my world doesn't get overpopulated
I want people to disappear when they reach their destination
As a User
So that I know that people have arrived at their destination
I want to be able to see them there


As a User
So that people don't get their shoes dirty
I want a road for them to follow

Other Links

Group Trello board here.
