Apache Airflow: Complete Hands-On Beginner to Advanced Class
This repository hold the source code for the Udemy online course Apache Airflow: Complete Hands-On Beginner to Advanced Class by Alexandra Abbas.
Intsall Apache Airflow
As explained in the course before meking use of this code base you need to install Apache Airflow locally on your machine.
pip install apache-airflow[gcp,statsd,sentry]==1.10.10
Install these extra packages as well.
pip install cryptography==2.9.2
pip install pyspark==2.4.5
To validate your Airflow installation check your Airflow version. This should print 1.10.10.
airflow version
If you have installed Airflow earlier you might get a DeprecationWarning about having multiple airflow.cfg files but that’s okay as long as you set the correct AIRFLOW_HOME environment variable in your Terminal.
Initialise an Airflow environment
As a next step you need to initialise an Airflow environment locally to run DAGs.
Set the AIRFLOW_HOME variable.
export AIRFLOW_HOME=path/to/this/directory
Initialise Airflow and the metadata database.
airflow init
Now, you can run both the web server and the scheduler.
Run the web server.
airflow webserver
In a different terminal window/session where you set the AIRFLOW_HOME variable again run the scheduler.
airflow scheduler
Great!🎉 Now you can access the Airflow web UI on http://localhost:8080.